Uses of Class

Packages that use WizDefinition
com.sri.emo.controller This package contains controller classes for the modelling program. 
com.sri.emo.wizard This package provides framework for wizard creation as well as EMO specific bindings. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.completion This package and sub packages provides the implementation of a "Completion Wizard." The completion Wizard takes a given node in the system as a template and allows the user to fill in the appropriate parts to create a new node. This package contains all the classes required to handle the editing and defining of completion wizards. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence This package contains the relevant persistence classes to allow serialization of the completion model to and from an underlying database. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.creation This package and sub packages provides the implementation of a "Completion Wizard." The completion Wizard takes a given node in the system as a template and allows the user to fill in the appropriate parts to create a new node. This package contains all the classes required to handle the editing and defining of completion wizards. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.persistence This package contains the relevant persistence classes to allow serialization of the completion model to and from an underlying database. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.expressoimpl This directory contains various adapter classes to bridge the Wizard APIs with Expresso. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.selection The selection wizard walks users through steps to determine which node on the system would best suit their needs. This package contains all classes related to editing Selection Wizard Steps. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.wizardgateway The wizard gateway provides a central location to dispatch to wizards for execution or editing. 

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults

Constructors in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults with parameters of type WizDefinition
DependentNodesNotTaggedException(WizDefinition wizardDefinition, Node dependentNode)
DependentNodesNotTaggedException(WizDefinition wizardDefinition, Node[] missingNodes)
IncompleteDecisionMatrixException(WizDefinition wizard)

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.controller

Methods in com.sri.emo.controller with parameters of type WizDefinition
protected  void SelectionWizardManager.buildDecisionMatrix(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response, Block matrix, WizDefinition currentWizard)
          Builds the decision matrix for the current wizard.
protected  void SelectionWizardManager.buildWizardSteps(ControllerRequest request, Block steps, WizDefinition currentWizard)
          Builds the steps for the current wizard.
 void SelectionWizardManager.edit(WizDefinition wizard, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Begins an 'edit' end-user transaction to edit an existing wizard.
 void wizard, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Runs the wizard that the manager is associated with.
protected  void SelectionWizardManager.verifyWizardParameters(ControllerRequest request, ErrorCollection ec, WizDefinition wizdef)
          Checks the parameters for add and edit wizard state pertaining to the wizard definition itself.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.dbobj

Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj that return WizDefinition
 WizDefinition WizStep.getWizardDefinition()
          Allows up navigation to the owner hierarchy.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.wizard

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard that return WizDefinition
 WizDefinition WizDefinitionRepository.findById(int key)
          Find a wizard definition by id.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard with parameters of type WizDefinition
 void IWizardManager.edit(WizDefinition wizard, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Begins an 'edit' end-user transaction to edit an existing wizard.
 void wizard, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Runs the wizard that the manager is associated with.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.wizard.branch

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.branch with parameters of type WizDefinition
protected  Wizard EmoBranchingWizardFactory.constructWizard(WizDefinition definition, List branchNodes)
          Constructs the wizard itself.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion with parameters of type WizDefinition
protected  Wizard EmoCompletionFactory.constructWizard(WizDefinition definition, List steps)
          Constructs the wizard itself.

Uses of WizDefinition in

Methods in with parameters of type WizDefinition
 void CompletionEditor.edit(WizDefinition wizard, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Begins an 'edit' end-user transaction to edit an existing wizard.
 void wizard, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Runs the wizard that the manager is associated with.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence that return WizDefinition
 WizDefinition CompletionDBObjConverterImpl.convertToDBObject(CompletionBean source)
          Converts a Completion Bean to a Wiz Definition bean.
 WizDefinition CompletionDBObjConverter.convertToDBObject(CompletionBean source)
          Converts a Completion Bean to a Wiz Definition bean.
 WizDefinition CompletionDefinition.getWizardDefinition()
          Retrieve the wizard definition.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence with parameters of type WizDefinition
 CompletionBean CompletionDBObjConverterImpl.convertToBean(WizDefinition source)
          Converts a wizard definition to a completion bean.
 CompletionBean CompletionDBObjConverter.convertToBean(WizDefinition source)
          Converts a wizard definition to a completion bean.
 void CompletionDefinition.setWizardDefinition(WizDefinition definition)
          Sets the wizard definition.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation with parameters of type WizDefinition
protected  Wizard EmoCreationWizardFactory.constructWizard(WizDefinition definition, BranchList steps)
          Constructs the wizard itself.

Uses of WizDefinition in

Methods in with parameters of type WizDefinition
 void CreationEditor.edit(WizDefinition wizard, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Begins an 'edit' end-user transaction to edit an existing wizard.
 void wizard, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Runs the wizard that the manager is associated with.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.persistence

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.persistence that return WizDefinition
 WizDefinition CreationDBObjConverterImpl.convertToDBObject(CreationBeans sourceBeans)
          Converts a Completion Bean to a Wiz Definition bean.
 WizDefinition CreationDBObjConverter.convertToDBObject(CreationBeans source)
          Converts a Completion Bean to a Wiz Definition bean.
 WizDefinition CreationDefinition.getWizardDefinition()
          Retrieve the wizard definition.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.persistence with parameters of type WizDefinition
 CreationBeans CreationDBObjConverterImpl.convertToBean(WizDefinition source)
          Converts a wizard definition to a completion bean.
 CreationBeans CreationDBObjConverter.convertToBean(WizDefinition source)
          Converts a wizard definition to a completion bean.
 void CreationDefinition.setWizardDefinition(WizDefinition definition)
          Sets the wizard definition.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.wizard.expressoimpl

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.expressoimpl that return WizDefinition
 WizDefinition SelectionWizDefinitionRepository.findById(int key)
          Find a wizard definition by id.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection that return WizDefinition
protected  WizDefinition EmoSelectionWizardFactory.getWizDefinition()
          Retrieve the WizDefinition associated with the defined id in the constructor.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection with parameters of type WizDefinition
protected  void EmoSelectionWizardFactory.addFinalStepToConstructedSteps(WizDefinition definition, List predefinedSteps)
protected  Wizard EmoSelectionWizardFactory.constructWizard(WizDefinition definition, List steps)
          Constructs the wizard itself.

Uses of WizDefinition in

Methods in that return WizDefinition
protected  WizDefinition AbstractStepHandler.getDefinition()
          Retreives the definition associated with the step.

Uses of WizDefinition in com.sri.emo.wizard.wizardgateway

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.wizardgateway that return WizDefinition
protected  WizDefinition WizardGatewayHandler.getWizDef(ExpressoRequest request)
          Retrieve the wizard definition based upon the parameters in the controller request.

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