
This package contains all classes related to editing Selection Wizard Steps.


Class Summary
AbstractStepHandler Abstract base class for the step handler.
EditFinalState Combines common controls into a step editor.
PromptInstructions State that prompts for instructions.
PromptModelField This handler is called when the user indicates that the picklist to use is based on an attribute defined in the model.
PromptNodeAttribute Prompts the Node Attribute to use for the picklist.
PromptNodeInstance Prompts For The Node Instance to use for per-node steps.
PromptPicklist Prompts for a picklist id to use.
PromptSelectModel This state prompts for the model that should be used in locating the attribute to use for building the menus.
PromptStepType Handles the 'choose step type' state.
PromptTextEntry Prompts for the type of text entry available for the user.
StepDefinition Base class for step definitions.
StepParameterParser This object takes a a set of strings equaling parameters and constructs and validates a wizard step object based on those parameters.
WizardStepController Controller that manages Wizard Steps.

Package Description

This package contains all classes related to editing Selection Wizard Steps. All classes are dispatched through WizardStepController. The rest of the classes are the hierarchy of steps with common functions located in the base classes.

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