Package com.sri.emo.wizard.creation

This package and sub packages provides the implementation of a "Completion Wizard." The completion Wizard takes a given node in the system as a template and allows the user to fill in the appropriate parts to create a new node.


Interface Summary
CreationMetadata Title:
CreationRepository The boundary interface between the controller and the underlying DBObjects.

Class Summary
CreationBuilder Base class for things that build Completion Wizards.
CreationMementoConverter Writes a CompletionWizard to and from a compact form.
CreationPageMetadata Relation Page-specific metadata.
CreationPartsPage The completion parts page represents the special needs of the Completion wizard when it comes to filling out the various parts of the nodes.
CreationWizardSelector Allows for locating completion wizards for a given node.
CustomPartHandlerMetadata Constructs metadata for a custom part handler.
CustomPartHandlerPage Custom Part Handler Page.
EmoCreationWizard A completion wizard.
EmoCreationWizardFactory Constructs Completion Wizards.
EmoCreationWizardOld A creation wizard, as originally copied from Completion wizard with some modifications done to allow for the initialization page to be inserted For the completion wizard pages, ids are java.lang.Integer types with values <= 0 are special pages.
EmoDebugWizardPage Title:
ExtendedAllowedHtmlPlusURLFilter Title:
MinMaxPageMetadata Page Metadata base class that supports min/max settings.
MultiEntryMetadata Metadata for multiple attributes.
MultiEntryWizardPage Page Entry Data for Multiple Attribute Entry Pages.
RelationWizardPage Wizard page that handles the selection of various relations available.
SearchListPage Title:
StringUtil Created by Richard Vorp to include all of the utility function which deal with string manipulation or string creation

Package com.sri.emo.wizard.creation Description

This package and sub packages provides the implementation of a "Completion Wizard." The completion Wizard takes a given node in the system as a template and allows the user to fill in the appropriate parts to create a new node.

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