Interface ModelVisitable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Attribute, Node, NodeType, Part, PickList, Relation

public interface ModelVisitable
extends IViewable

Interface that extends IViewable to include Visitor capabilities. The scope of it is more restrictive (specialized) than IViewable because it only considers data nodes, not necessarily other aspects such as permission groups. If you implement ViewVisitable in a new class, you need to modify the ViewVisitor interface to accept thew new node type. (Consequence of visitor pattern).

We are interested in extending IViewable because we wish to gain access to the Transition that IViewable gives to allow universal editing and access.

Michael Rimov

Method Summary
 void acceptVisitor(ModelVisitor visitor)
          Accepts the visitor and redirects the visitor to the appropriate type we're dealing with.
Methods inherited from interface com.sri.emo.dbobj.IViewable

Method Detail


void acceptVisitor(ModelVisitor visitor)
Accepts the visitor and redirects the visitor to the appropriate type we're dealing with.

visitor - ViewVisitor
ViewVisitorException - if an exception occurs while processing inside the visitor.
UnsupportedOperationException - if the visitor does not support processing of a particular node.

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