Interface IViewable

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Attribute, Node, NodeType, Part, PermGroup, PickList, Relation, RelationType, WizDefinition, WizStep

public interface IViewable

provide a transition for viewing, suitable for creating an HTTP link when all you have is a reference to this object. therefore, one requirement is that all information for such a transition (typically a controller/state combo, plus ID, plus name for label) must be contained in the object.

Larry Hamel

Method Summary
 Transition getViewTrans()
          Provide a transition for viewing this object, suitable for creating an HTTP link.

Method Detail


Transition getViewTrans()
                        throws DBException
Provide a transition for viewing this object, suitable for creating an HTTP link.

transtion for viewing, including label for name of object; never null
DBException - upon database access error.

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