Uses of Interface

Packages that use ModelVisitable
com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree This package allows assembling of Emo nodes into a tree hierarchy where related nodes, attributes, parts, etc are loaded into this tree. 

Uses of ModelVisitable in com.sri.emo.dbobj

Classes in com.sri.emo.dbobj that implement ModelVisitable
 class Attribute
          encapsulate a name-value pair which is associated with a Node object
 class Node
          Encapsulate an element in a linked graph.
 class NodeType
          Encapsulate the finite list of types allowed for a node.
 class Part
          A part of an "entity" (a Node object).
 class PickList
          Provide picklists for any attribute.
 class Relation
          Encapsulate a linkage between two nodes.

Uses of ModelVisitable in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree

Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree that return ModelVisitable
 ModelVisitable NoParentNode.getVisitable()
          Throws UnsupportedOperationException - not implemented for obvious reasons.
 ModelVisitable ModelNode.getVisitable()
          Retrieve the viewable interface of what we are dealing with.
 ModelVisitable DefaultModelNode.getVisitable()
          Retrieve the viewable interface of what we are dealing with.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree with parameters of type ModelVisitable
DefaultModelNode(ModelVisitable data)
          Constructor used for a root node.
DefaultModelNode(ModelVisitable data, MutableModelNode nodeParent)
          Constructor to indicate a nested node.

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