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1   /* ===================================================================
2    * Copyright 2002-04 SRI International.
3    * Released under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1
4    * which can be obtained at
5    *
6    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
7    * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
9    * See the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE for more details.
10   * =================================================================== */
12  package com.sri.emo.dbobj;
14  import java.util.List;
16  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBConnection;
17  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBException;
18  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.dbobj.DBField;
19  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.dbobj.SecuredDBObject;
20  import;
22  /***
23   * WizDecisionSet represents a set of responses that make up a "row"
24   * in the decision matrix.
25   *
26   * @author Michael Rimov
27   */
29  public class WizDecisionSet extends SecuredDBObject {
31      /***
32  	 * 
33  	 */
34  	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
36  	/***
37       * Public constant for access to field
38       * "Item ID"
39       */
40      public static final String FLD_ID = "Id";
42      /***
43       * Public constant for access to field
44       * "Wizard Id"
45       */
46      public static final String FLD_WIZID = "WizId";
48      /***
49       * Public constant for access to field
50       * "Decision Result"
51       */
52      public static final String FLD_DECISIONRESULT = "DecisionResult";
54      /***
55       * Public constant for access to field
56       * "Example Title"
57       */
58      public static final String FLD_DECISIONTITLE = "DecisionTitle";
61      /***
62       * Creates an instance of WizDecisionSet.  Call setRequestingUid()
63       * and setDataContext() before using.
64       *
65       * @throws DBException upon initialization exception.
66       * @see com.jcorporate.expresso.core.dbobj.SecuredDBObject#SecuredDBObject
67       */
68      public WizDecisionSet() throws DBException {
69      }
71      /***
72       * Retrieves the node associated with this decision set.
73       *
74       * @return Node
75       * @throws DBException
76       */
77      public Node getDecisionNode() throws DBException {
78          String decisionResult = getField(FLD_DECISIONRESULT);
79          if (decisionResult == null || decisionResult.length() == 0) {
80              return null;
81          }
83          Node n = new Node();
84          n.setField(Node.NODE_ID, getField(FLD_DECISIONRESULT));
85          n.retrieve();
86          return n;
87      }
89      /***
90       * <p/>
91       * Constructor that sets a connection as the object is created - typically
92       * this is used when a particular DBConnection is required for
93       * the purposes of
94       * maintaining a database transaction. If a specific connection
95       * is not used,
96       * there is no way to use commit() and rollback() in the event of
97       * failure, as a
98       * different DBConnection might be used for each phase of the transaction.
99       * Critial sections should therefore explicity request a DBConnection
100      * from the
101      * connection pool and pass it to each of the DB objects in that section.
102      * </p>
103      * <p>This constructor is neceesary to work with otherDBMap and transaction
104      * capabilities</p>
105      *
106      * @param dbConnection The DBConnection to utilize
107      * @param uid          User Uid.
108      * @throws DBException upon initialization error
109      */
110     public WizDecisionSet(DBConnection dbConnection, final int uid) throws
111             DBException {
112         super(dbConnection, uid);
113     }
115     /* WizDecisionSet(DBConnection) */
117     /***
118      * Creates an instance of WizDecisionSet automatically setting the
119      * object's requesting user.
120      *
121      * @param user The user's security context.
122      * @throws DBException upon construction error
123      */
124     public WizDecisionSet(final ReadOnlyUser user) throws DBException {
125         super(user);
126     }
128     /***
129      * One time intiialization of all the field types.  Set all specifications
130      * here such as field names, table name, friendly name of the data object,
131      * characterset, etc.
132      *
133      * @throws DBException upon error
134      */
135     protected void setupFields() throws DBException {
136         super.setupFields();
137         setTargetTable("WIZDECISIONSET");
139         setDescription("Wizard Decision Set");
140         setCharset("ISO-8859-1");
142         addField(FLD_ID, DBField.AUTOINC_TYPE, 0, false, "Item ID");
144         addKey(FLD_ID);
146         addField(FLD_WIZID, DBField.INTEGER_TYPE, 0, false, "Wizard Id");
148         setLookupObject(FLD_WIZID, WizDefinition.FLD_ID);
150         addField(FLD_DECISIONRESULT, DBField.INTEGER_TYPE, 0, true, "Result Node ID");
152         setLookupObject(FLD_DECISIONRESULT, Node.NODE_ID);
154         addVirtualField(FLD_DECISIONTITLE, DBField.VARCHAR_TYPE, 254, "Example Title");
156         addIndex("WIZDECISION_MAP", FLD_WIZID, false);
158         addDetail(WizDecisionEntities.class.getName(), FLD_ID, WizDecisionEntities.FLD_SETID);
159     }
161     /***
162      * Retrieve all details for this object.
163      * @return
164      * @throws DBException
165      */
166     public List getDecisionEntities() throws DBException {
167     	WizDecisionEntities queryObject = new WizDecisionEntities();
168     	queryObject.setField(WizDecisionEntities.FLD_SETID, getField(FLD_ID));
170     	return queryObject.searchAndRetrieveList();
171     }
173     /***
174      * Adds a decision entry into this 'set' of decisions.
175      * <p>Assertions:</p>
176      * <p>wizStepIds[].length == pickListIds[].length</p>
177      * <p>wizStepsIds[i] maps to pickListIds[i]</p>
178      * <p>This object's local connection MUST be already set: ie this occurs
179      * within a transaction</p>
180      *
181      * @param wizStepIds  int[] the step ids corresponding to the picklist ids.
182      * @param pickListIds String[] the picklist ids corresponding to
183      *                    the step ids.
184      * @throws DBException upon add() error.
185      */
186     public void addDecisionEntity(final int wizStepIds[],
187                                   final String pickListIds[])
188             throws DBException {
189         assert wizStepIds.length == pickListIds.length;
190         DBConnection connection = getLocalConnection();
191         if (connection == null) {
192             throw new IllegalStateException("You must set the DecisionSet's"
193                     +
194                     " connection first before adding decision entities");
195         }
197         for (int i = 0; i < wizStepIds.length; i++) {
198             addSingleDecisionEntity(connection, wizStepIds[i], pickListIds[i]);
199         }
200     }
202     /***
203      * Adds a single decision entity to the set.
204      *
205      * @param connection DBConnection the database connection
206      * @param wizStepId  int the step id.
207      * @param pickListId String the corresponding picklist string
208      * @throws DBException upon addOrUpdate() error.
209      */
210     public void addSingleDecisionEntity(DBConnection connection, int wizStepId,
211                                         String pickListId) throws DBException {
212         assert wizStepId > 0;
213         assert pickListId != null && pickListId.length() > 0;
215         WizDecisionEntities decisions = new WizDecisionEntities(connection);
216         decisions.setField(WizDecisionEntities.FLD_SETID, getField(WizDecisionSet.FLD_ID));
217         decisions.setField(WizDecisionEntities.FLD_STEPID, wizStepId);
218         decisions.setField(WizDecisionEntities.FLD_STEPVALUE, pickListId);
219         decisions.add();
220     }
223     /***
224      * Set the wizard id for this decision set.
225      *
226      * @param newValue int the new wizard id (integer &gt; 0)
227      * @throws DBException upon setField() error
228      */
229     public void setWizardId(int newValue) throws DBException {
230         setField(FLD_WIZID, newValue);
231     }
233     /***
234      * Set the wizard id for this decision set.
235      *
236      * @param newValue int the new wizard id (integer &gt; 0)
237      * @throws DBException upon setField() error
238      */
239     public void setWizardId(String newValue) throws DBException {
240         setField(FLD_WIZID, newValue);
241     }
243     /***
244      * Retrieve the wizard id for this decision set.
245      *
246      * @return Integer or null if it is not set.
247      * @throws DBException upon getDataField() generated error.
248      */
249     public Integer getWizardId() throws DBException {
250         if (getDataField(FLD_WIZID).isNull()) {
251             return null;
252         } else {
253             return new Integer(getFieldInt(FLD_WIZID));
254         }
255     }
257     /***
258      * Returns a hash code value for the object.
259      *
260      * @return a hash code value for this object.
261      */
262     public int hashCode() {
263         try {
264             return getField(FLD_ID).hashCode();
265         } catch (DBException ex) {
266             return 0;
267         }
268     }
270     /***
271      * Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
272      * This particular implementation delegates equality to the base
273      * DBObject class which has per-field comparison.
274      *
275      * @param obj the reference object with which to compare.
276      * @return <code>true</code> if this object is the same as the obj
277      *         argument; <code>false</code> otherwise.
278      */
279     public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
280         return super.equals(obj);
281     }
283     /***
284      * Override of getField to provide for virtual field 'decision title'
285      *
286      * @param fieldName the name of the field to retrieve
287      * @return Object or null if the field was null
288      * @throws DBException upon error
289      */
290     public String getField(String fieldName) throws DBException {
291         if (FLD_DECISIONTITLE.equals(fieldName)) {
292             Node n = getDecisionNode();
293             if (n == null) {
294                 return "";
295             }
297             return n.getNodeTitle();
299         } else {
300             return super.getField(fieldName);
301         }
302     }
304     public void setDecisionResult(int parameterValue) throws DBException {
305         setField(FLD_DECISIONRESULT, parameterValue);
306     }
308     public String getDecisionResult() throws DBException {
309         return getField(FLD_DECISIONRESULT);
310     }
311 }