View Javadoc
1   /* ===================================================================
2    * Copyright 2002-04 SRI International.
3    * Released under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1
4    * which can be obtained at
5    * This software is distributed on an "AS IS"
6    * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7    * See the License for the specific language governing rights and
8    * limitations under the License.
9    * =================================================================== */
10  package com.sri.emo.dbobj;
12  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.controller.*;
13  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.dataobjects.jdbc.JoinedDataObject;
14  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBConnection;
15  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBException;
16  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.exception.DBRecordNotFoundException;
17  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.dbobj.*;
18  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.misc.DateTime;
19  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.registry.RequestRegistry;
20  import;
21  import;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import;
28  import com.sri.common.controller.AbstractDBController;
29  import com.sri.emo.annotations.NodeTag;
30  import com.sri.emo.controller.AddNodeAction;
31  import com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree.ModelVisitable;
32  import com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree.ModelVisitor;
33  import com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree.TreeSelectionFactory;
34  import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory;
35  import org.dom4j.Element;
37  import java.util.*;
40  /***
41   * Encapsulate an element in a linked graph.
42   *
43   * @author larry hamel
44   * @todo Implement equals and hashcode for handling in collections.
45   */
46  public class Node extends RowSecuredDBObject implements Comparable, ModelVisitable, IViewable {
47      /***
48  	 * 
49  	 */
50  	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
51  	public static final String NODE_ID = "NODE_ID";
52      public static final String NODE_TYPE = "NODE_TYPE";
53      public static final String NODE_OWNER = "NODE_OWNER";
54      public static final String NODE_TITLE = "NODE_TITLE";
55      public static final String NODE_ANNOTATION = "NODE_ANNOTATION";
56      public static final String NODE_CREATED = "NODE_CREATED";
57      public static final String NODE_MODIFIED = "NODE_MODIFIED";
58      public static final String NODE_PATH = "NODE_PATH";
59      public static final String NODE_MIME_TYPE = "NODE_MIME_TYPE";
60      public static final String NODE_COMMENT = "NODE_COMMENT";
62      // used for MultiDBObject
63      public static final String RELATION_JOIN = "relation";
64      public static final String NODE_TABLE = "node";
65      public static final String NODE_JOIN = NODE_TABLE;
66      public static final String ATTRIBUTE_JOIN = "attribute";
68      /***
69       * XML: used to seperate 2 halves of name for related node tags.
70       */
71      public static final String RELATED_DELIMITER = "__-__";
72      public static final String REF_ID = "REF_ID";
73      public static final String RELATED = "RELATED";
74      public static final String REFERENCE = "REFERENCE";
76      /***
77       * Used to separate machine name from internal ID,
78       * for creating universally unique IDs ("global" ids).
79       *
80       * @see #getGlobalId
81       */
82      public static final String ID_DELIMITER = "|||";
83      public static final String IDENT_TAG_NAME = "ident";
85      /***
86       * virtual field; convenience for sorting
87       */
88      public static final String GROUP_OF_OWNER = "GROUP_OF_OWNER";
89      public static final String REFS_ONLY = "refs_only";
90      public static final String IGNORE_RELATIONS = "IGNORE_RELATIONS";
92      /***
93       * optional attribute which will hold indentation level for tree access
94       */
95      public static final String INDENT = "indent";
96      public static final String FULL_XML = "FULL_XML";
97      public static final String RELATION_TYPE_JOIN = "Relation_type";
99      public Node(final ReadOnlyUser user) throws DBException {
100         super(user);
101     }
103     /***
104      * Constructor without parameters is required by framework,
105      * but if you use this constructor,
106      * be sure to setRequestingUid() after instantiation.
107      *
108      * @throws DBException upon error.
109      */
110     public Node() throws DBException {
111         super();
113         //setRequestingUid();
114     }
116     /***
117      * Constructor.
118      *
119      * @param theConnection DBConnection to be used to
120      *                      communicate with the database
121      * @param theUser       User name attempting to access the
122      *                      object
123      * @throws DBException If the user cannot access this
124      *                     object or the object cannot be initialized
125      */
126     public Node(DBConnection theConnection, int theUser) throws DBException {
127         super(theConnection, theUser);
128     }
130     /***
131      * Constructs a Node with the given 'context' and the given Id.
132      *
133      * @param id      String the node id. (String)
134      * @param request the <code>ExpressoRequest</code> object.
135      * @throws DBException If the user cannot access this
136      *                     object or the object cannot be initialized
137      */
138     public Node(ExpressoRequest request, String id) throws DBException {
139         super(request);
140         setNodeId(id);
141     }
143     /***
144      * Constructs a Node that has the given string id.  Security Parameters
145      * are set by RowSecuredDBObject's default constructors using
146      * the <tt>RequestRegistry</tt>
147      *
148      * @param id String the node id. (String)
149      * @throws DBException upon error.
150      */
151     public Node(String id) throws DBException {
152         setNodeId(id);
153     }
155     /***
156      * @param request the <code>ExpressoRequest</code> object.
157      * @throws DBException If the user cannot access this
158      *                     object or the object cannot be initialized
159      */
160     public Node(ExpressoRequest request) throws DBException {
161         super(request);
162     }
164     /***
165      * Constructs a node using another object as the security credentials.
166      *
167      * @param node SecuredDBObject
168      * @throws DBException upon construction error.
169      */
170     public Node(SecuredDBObject node) throws DBException {
171         super(node.getRequestingUser());
172         setDataContext(node.getDataContext());
173     }
175     /***
176      * Constructs a Node from an XML Element.
177      *
178      * @param root Element The Element to parse.
179      * @throws DBException upon error.
180      */
181     public Node(Element root) throws DBException {
182         createFromXml(root);
183     }
186     /***
187      * Construct node from XML--just basic XML attributes,
188      * NOT related nodes, or model-app Attributes
189      * side-effect: also adds DBObject.setAttribute()
190      * items for root param, and one for ident.
191      *
192      * @param request the <code>ExpressoRequest</code> object.
193      * @param root    The Root Element to load.
194      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
195      */
196     public Node(ExpressoRequest request, Element root) throws DBException {
197         super(request);
198         createFromXml(root);
199     }
201     private void createFromXml(Element root) throws DBException {
202         setNodeType(root.getName());
203         setAttribute("root", root); // for second-phase parsing
205         Part[] parts = PartsFactory.getParts(getNodeType());
207         if (parts.length == 0) {
208             throw new DBException("Cannot find type: " + getNodeType());
209         }
211         // String nodetypeversion = root.attributeValue(NodeType.NODE_TYPE_VERSION); //  handle legacy
212         setNodeTitle(root.attributeValue(NODE_TITLE));
214         //        setAttribute("root", root);
215         String ident = root.attributeValue(IDENT_TAG_NAME);
216         setAttribute(IDENT_TAG_NAME, ident); // original ID, used for matching relations within this import
218         Element ann = (Element) root.selectSingleNode("./" + NODE_ANNOTATION);
220         if (ann != null) {
221             setNodeAnnotation(ann.getTextTrim());
222         }
224         Element comment = (Element) root.selectSingleNode("./" + NODE_COMMENT);
226         if (comment != null) {
227             setNodeComment(comment.getTextTrim());
228         }
230         setRecentEditor(RequestRegistry.getUser().getLoginName());
231     }
233     /***
234      * @return list of NodeTag instances for this node
235      */
236     public List getTags() throws DBException {
237         NodeTag tags = new NodeTag(SuperUser.INSTANCE);
238         tags.setNodeId(this.getNodeId());
239         return tags.searchAndRetrieveList(NodeTag.TAG_ADDED_ON);
240     }
242     /***
243      * Defines the database table name and fields for this DB object.
244      *
245      * @throws DBException if the operation cannot be performed
246      */
247     protected synchronized void setupFields() throws DBException {
248         setTargetTable(NODE_TABLE);
249         setDescription("Node, a sample record");
250         addField(NODE_ID, DBField.AUTOINC_TYPE, 0, false, "Autoincrement ID");
251         addField(NODE_TYPE, DBField.VARCHAR_TYPE, 100, false, "Type of node");
253         // node owner is actually the last person who edited the node
254         addField(NODE_OWNER, DBField.VARCHAR_TYPE, 245, false,
255                 "Last editor"); // 245 to permit indexing on both owner, type
256         addField(NODE_TITLE, DBField.VARCHAR_TYPE, 255, false, "Title");
257         addField(NODE_ANNOTATION, DBField.LONGVARCHAR_TYPE, 0, true, "Summary");
259         // set special filter on command and annotation fields
260         // so that if the user types in a URL, we make it a link during output
261         DBField fieldMeta = (DBField) getMetaData().getFieldMetadata(NODE_ANNOTATION);
262         fieldMeta.setFilterClass(AllowedHtmlPlusURLFilter.class);
263         addField(NODE_COMMENT, DBField.LONGVARCHAR_TYPE, 0, true, "Comment");
264         fieldMeta = (DBField) getMetaData().getFieldMetadata(NODE_COMMENT);
265         fieldMeta.setFilterClass(AllowedHtmlPlusURLFilter.class);
267         addField(NODE_CREATED, DBField.DATETIME_TYPE, 0, false, "Created");
268         addField(NODE_MODIFIED, DBField.DATETIME_TYPE, 0, false,
269                 "Modified Timestamp");
271         // unused
272         addField(NODE_PATH, DBField.LONGVARCHAR_TYPE, 0, true, "Path to File"); // unused currently
273         addField(NODE_MIME_TYPE, DBField.VARCHAR_TYPE, 255, true,
274                 "MIME type of File"); // unused currently
276         setLookupObject(NODE_TYPE, NodeType.class.getName());
277         addKey(NODE_ID);
279         addDetail(Attribute.class.getName(), NODE_ID, Attribute.NODE_ID);
280         addDetail(Relation.class.getName(), NODE_ID, Relation.RELATION_SRC);
281         addDetail(NodeTag.class.getName(), NODE_ID, NodeTag.TAG_PARENT_NODE);
283         //		addDetail(Relation.class.getName(), NODE_ID, Relation.RELATION_DEST);
284         /*
285                  patch other relation detail by overriding NodeAction.runDelete
287                  Hello,
289          I think that there is a bug in the underlying representation of details (foreign key relations) in DBObject.
291                  For example, consider a Node class which has relations with other node instances, and these relations are represented in a Relation class.  A given node could be the source of a relation, or the destination of a relation.  The Node class then would have two addDetail() lines with the Relation class:
293          addDetail(Relation.class.getName(), NODE_ID, Relation.RELATION_SRC);
294          addDetail(Relation.class.getName(), NODE_ID, Relation.RELATION_DEST);
296                  But this does the wrong thing because the underlying implementation in DBObjectDef which captures the details is a hash table:
298          synchronized void addDetail(String objName, String keyFieldsLocal,
299                  String keyFieldsForeign)
300                  throws DBException {
301                  detailObjsLocal.put(objName, keyFieldsLocal);
302                  detailObjsForeign.put(objName, keyFieldsForeign);
303                  }
305                  With this implementation, there can be only one detail association between any two classes.
307          I'm working on an old version of Expresso right now, so it will take me a while to get around to fixing this.
309                  Let me know if you see a problem with this analysis, and feel free to fix this before I get there.
311                  Larry
312          */
313         /***
314          * @todo make name of node unique via index; may revisit later
315          */
316         addIndex("node_name_idx", Node.NODE_TITLE, true);
317         addIndex("node_type_idx", Node.NODE_TYPE, false);
319         //addIndex("node_owner_idx",Node.NODE_OWNER,false);
320         //addIndex("node_type_owner_idx", Node.NODE_OWNER + "," + Node.NODE_TYPE, false);
321     }
323     /* setupFields() */
325     /***
326      * Add sample record.
327      *
328      * @throws DBException if the operation cannot be performed
329      */
330     public synchronized void populateDefaultValues() throws DBException {
331     }
333     public void setNodeId(String id) throws DBException {
334         setField(NODE_ID, id);
335     }
337     public String getNodeType() throws DBException {
338         return getField(Node.NODE_TYPE);
339     }
341     public void setNodeType(String type) throws DBException {
342         setField(Node.NODE_TYPE, type);
343     }
345     public String getNodeId() throws DBException {
346         return getField(Node.NODE_ID);
347     }
350     /***
351      * Adds a new attribute to be associated with this node.
352      *
353      * @param attribType String the attribute type.
354      * @param value      String the attribute value.
355      * @param comment    String the attribute comment.
356      * @return Attribute the resulting saved attribute.
357      * @throws DBException upon general database error.
358      */
359     public Attribute addAttribute(final String attribType, final String value, final String comment) throws
360             DBException {
361         Attribute attribute = new Attribute();
362         attribute.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, attribType);
363         attribute.setField(Attribute.NODE_ID, this.getNodeId());
364         attribute.setField(Attribute.NODE_TYPE, this.getNodeType());
366         // is this attrib type limited to being a single value?
367         if (attribute.getPart().isSingleValued()) {
368             // check for other values already
369             List existing = attribute.searchAndRetrieveList();
370             if (existing.size() > 0) {
371                 // ok, have a conflict.  instead of adding, we must update
372                 Attribute existingAttrib = (Attribute) existing.get(0);
373                 existingAttrib.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, value);
374                 existingAttrib.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_COMMENT, comment);
375                 existingAttrib.update();
376                 return existingAttrib;
377             }
378         }
380         // ok, set other fields and add
381         attribute.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, value);
382         attribute.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_COMMENT, comment);
383         attribute.add();
384         touch();
385         return attribute;
386     }
389     /***
390      * Saves an attributes for the node, touching the node as necessary, etc.
391      *
392      * @param attributeId the attribute to update.
393      * @return Attribute the resulting attribute.
394      * @throws DBException               upon general DBObject error.
395      * @throws DBRecordNotFoundException if the attribute wasn't found.
396      */
397     public Attribute updateAttribute(String attributeId, String value, String comment) throws DBException,
398             DBRecordNotFoundException {
399         Attribute attribute = new Attribute();
401         attribute.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_ID, attributeId);
403         boolean found = attribute.find();
404         boolean isSame = found &&
405                 value.equals(attribute.getAttribValue()) &&
406                 comment.equals(attribute.getAttribComment());
407         boolean shouldDelete = found && !isSame &&
408                 (value.length() == 0) && (comment.length() == 0);
410         if (isSame) {
411             // no saving necessary
412             return null;
413         }
415         // edit is just to remove all text, signalling deletion
416         if (shouldDelete) {
417             attribute.delete();
418             touch();
420             return attribute;
421         }
423         if (found) {
424             attribute.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE, value);
425             attribute.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_COMMENT, comment);
426             attribute.update();
427             touch();
428             return attribute;
429         } else {
430             throw new DBRecordNotFoundException("Cannot find attribute with id = " + attributeId);
431         }
433     }
436     /***
437      * Get the node's title.
438      *
439      * @return current title or "" -- never null
440      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
441      */
442     public String getNodeTitle() throws DBException {
443         return getField(Node.NODE_TITLE);
444     }
446     /***
447      * @param relation
448      * @param nodeType
449      * @return a list of  MultiDBObject which are products of an SQL join, in order by relation order
450      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
451      */
452     public List getRawRelated(String relation, String nodeType) throws DBException {
453         MultiDBObject joinObject = new MultiDBObject();
454         joinObject.setDataContext(getDataContext());
455         joinObject.addDBObj(Relation.class.getName(), RELATION_JOIN);
457         Node sampleNode = new Node(getRequestingUser());
458         sampleNode.setNodeType(nodeType);
459         joinObject.addDBObj(sampleNode, NODE_JOIN);
461         joinObject.setForeignKey(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_DEST, NODE_JOIN, Node.NODE_ID);
462         joinObject.setField(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_SRC, getNodeId());
463         joinObject.setField(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_TYPE, relation);
465         // sort by node title
466         return joinObject.searchAndRetrieveList(Relation.RELATION_ORDER);
467     }
469     static int numCalls = 0;
471     /***
472      * return all nodes related to this node as source
473      *
474      * @return a list of  MultiDBObject which are products of an SQL join, in order by relation order
475      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
476      */
477     public List getRawRelated() throws DBException {
478         MultiDBObject joinObject = new MultiDBObject();
479         joinObject.setDataContext(getDataContext());
481         Relation rel = new Relation();
482         rel.setSrcId(getNodeId());
483         joinObject.addDBObj(rel, RELATION_JOIN);
485         Node sampleNode = new Node();
486         joinObject.addDBObj(sampleNode, NODE_JOIN);
488         joinObject.setForeignKey(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_DEST,
489                 NODE_JOIN, Node.NODE_ID);
490         joinObject.setField(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_SRC, getNodeId());
492         // sort by node title
494         return joinObject.searchAndRetrieveList(Relation.RELATION_ORDER);
495     }
498     /***
499      * Grabs a list of joined data objects based on the matrix join.
500      *
501      * @return List of JoinedDataObjects
502      * @throws DBException upon join creation/execution error.
503      */
504     public List getRawRelatedUsingDataObjects() throws DBException {
505         JoinedDataObject joinObject = new JoinedDataObject("/com/sri/emo/dbobj/NodeRelationsJoin.xml");
506         joinObject.setRequestingUser(this.getRequestingUser());
507         joinObject.set("Relation." + Relation.RELATION_SRC, getNodeId());
508         return joinObject.searchAndRetrieveList("Relation." + Relation.RELATION_ORDER);
509     }
511     /***
512      * Get related nodes, without ID test (for speed).
513      *
514      * @param dbname     the database object to load from.
515      * @param relation
516      * @param typeOfPart
517      * @return a list of  MultiDBObject which are products of an SQL join, in alpha order by title
518      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
519      */
520     public List getRawRelatedAssumeSecure(String dbname, String relation,
521                                           String typeOfPart) throws DBException {
522         MultiDBObject joinObject = new MultiDBObject();
523         joinObject.setDataContext(dbname);
524         joinObject.addDBObj(Relation.class.getName(), RELATION_JOIN);
526         Node sampleNode = new Node(SuperUser.INSTANCE);
527         sampleNode.setDataContext(dbname);
528         sampleNode.setNodeType(typeOfPart);
529         joinObject.addDBObj(sampleNode, NODE_JOIN);
531         joinObject.setForeignKey(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_DEST,
532                 NODE_JOIN, Node.NODE_ID);
533         joinObject.setField(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_SRC, getNodeId());
534         joinObject.setField(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_TYPE, relation);
536         // sort by node title
537         return joinObject.searchAndRetrieveList(Relation.RELATION_ORDER);
538     }
540     /***
541      * @return a list of Nodes which are products of an SQL join, in by relation order; can be empty list; never returns null
542      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
543      */
544     public Node[] getRelatedNodes(String relation, String typeOfPart) throws DBException {
545         List list = getRawRelated(relation, typeOfPart);
546         ArrayList resultList = new ArrayList();
548         for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
549             MultiDBObject aMultiObject = (MultiDBObject);
550             String id = aMultiObject.getField(Node.NODE_JOIN, Node.NODE_ID);
551             Node node = new Node(this);
552             node.setNodeId(id);
553             node.retrieve();
554             resultList.add(node);
555         }
557         return (Node[]) resultList.toArray(new Node[resultList.size()]);
558     }
560     /***
561      * Fetch any attributes of this node, of this type, in alpha order by value.
562      *
563      * @return an array of Attributes; NEVER null, but could be empty
564      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
565      */
566     public Attribute[] getAttributes(String attribType) throws DBException {
567         Attribute attribute = new Attribute(getRequestingUser());
568         attribute.setDataContext(getDataContext());
569         attribute.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, attribType);
570         attribute.setField(Attribute.NODE_ID, getNodeId());
572         return (Attribute[]) attribute.searchAndRetrieveList(Attribute.
573                 ATTRIBUTE_ORDER)
574                 .toArray(new Attribute[0]);
575     }
578     public ValidValue[] getMultiValuedAttributeMenu() throws DBException {
579         Attribute attrib = new Attribute();
580         attrib.setField(NODE_ID, getNodeId());
581         List attribs = attrib.searchAndRetrieveList(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_ORDER);
582         ValidValue[] returnValue = new ValidValue[attribs.size()];
583         for (int i = 0; i < attribs.size(); i++) {
584             returnValue[i] = new ValidValue(attrib.getAttribId(), attrib.getAttribValue());
585         }
587         return returnValue;
588     }
590     /***
591      * Fetch any attributes of this node, of this type, in alpha order by value,
592      * using System ID to speed recall w/o permissions check.
593      *
594      * @return an array of Attributes; NEVER null, but could be empty
595      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
596      */
597     public Attribute[] getAttributesAssumeSecure(String attribType) throws
598             DBException {
599         Attribute attribute = new Attribute(User.getAdmin(getDataContext()));
600         attribute.setDataContext(getDataContext());
601         attribute.setField(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_TYPE, attribType);
602         attribute.setField(Attribute.NODE_ID, getNodeId());
604         return (Attribute[]) attribute.searchAndRetrieveList(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_ORDER).toArray(new Attribute[0]);
605     }
607     /***
608      * Fetch all attributes of this node OF ALL KINDS.
609      *
610      * @return a list of Attributes
611      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
612      */
613     public List getAttributes() throws DBException {
614         Attribute attribute = new Attribute(getRequestingUser());
615         attribute.setDataContext(getDataContext());
616         attribute.setField(Attribute.NODE_ID, getNodeId());
618         return attribute.searchAndRetrieveList(Attribute.ATTRIBUTE_ORDER);
619     }
621     public String getNodeAnnotation() throws DBException {
622         return getField(Node.NODE_ANNOTATION);
623     }
625     public String getNodeAnnotationRaw() throws DBException {
626         Filter old = setFilterClass(new RawFilter());
627         String raw = getNodeAnnotation();
628         setFilterClass(old);
630         return raw;
631     }
633     public String getNodeCommentRaw() throws DBException {
634         Filter old = setFilterClass(new RawFilter());
635         String raw = getNodeComment();
636         setFilterClass(old);
638         return raw;
639     }
641     public String getNodeComment() throws DBException {
642         return getField(Node.NODE_COMMENT);
643     }
645     public void setNodeTitle(String title) throws DBException {
646         setField(NODE_TITLE, title);
647     }
649     /***
650      * Creates and returns a deep copy of this object--everything, including
651      * links to "contained by" objects above this one.
652      *
653      * @param title The Node Title.
654      * @return a cloned sibling.
655      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
656      * @see #cloneOrphan
657      */
658     public Node cloneSibling(String title) throws DBException {
659         Node clone = cloneAllButRelations(title);
660         cloneRelations(clone);
662         return clone;
663     }
665     /***
666      * Fet relations for which my ID is marked as source.
667      *
668      * @return an array of relations.
669      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
670      */
671     public Relation[] getSrcRelations() throws DBException {
672         return getRelations(Relation.RELATION_SRC);
673     }
675     /***
676      * Get relations.
677      *
678      * @param srcOrDest field name for how to interpret getID():
679      *                  either as src (pass in Relation.RELATION_SRC) or dest (pass in Relation.RELATION_DEST)
680      * @return an array of relations, never null
681      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
682      * @see Relation#RELATION_SRC
683      * @see Relation#RELATION_DEST
684      */
685     private Relation[] getRelations(String srcOrDest) throws DBException {
686         Relation rel = new Relation();
687         rel.setField(srcOrDest, getNodeId());
689         return (Relation[]) rel.searchAndRetrieveList(Relation.RELATION_ORDER).toArray(new Relation[0]);
690     }
692     /***
693      * Get relations for which my ID is marked as destination.
694      *
695      * @return an array of relations, never null
696      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
697      */
698     public Relation[] getDestRelations() throws DBException {
699         return getRelations(Relation.RELATION_DEST);
700     }
702     /***
703      * Delete row.
704      *
705      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
706      */
707     public synchronized void delete(boolean deleteDetails) throws DBException {
709         /*** @todo fix expresso details so that this hack is unnecessary
710          * currently detail can only support one association between two tables
711          * so manually delete any destination relations
712          */
713         Relation relation = new Relation();
714         relation.setDataContext(getDataContext());
715         relation.setField(Relation.RELATION_DEST, getNodeId());
717         List list = relation.searchAndRetrieveList();
719         for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
720             Relation rel = (Relation);
721             rel.delete(true);
722         }
724         super.delete(deleteDetails);
725     }
727     /* delete() */
729     public String getNodeOwner() throws DBException {
730         return getField(Node.NODE_OWNER);
731     }
733     public String getNodeCreated() throws DBException {
734         return getField(Node.NODE_CREATED);
735     }
737     public String getNodeModified() throws DBException {
738         return getField(Node.NODE_MODIFIED);
739     }
741     /***
742      * @return version number for this node type
743      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
744      */
745     public String getVersion() throws DBException {
746         NodeType type = new NodeType(getRequestingUser());
747         type.setDataContext(getDataContext());
748         type.setEntityName(getNodeType());
750         if (!type.find()) {
751             return "1.0";
752         }
754         return type.getVersion();
755     }
757     /***
758      * We override to set dates
759      * (by superclass) but rather to add default permissions.
760      *
761      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
762      * @see #add(String, int) for a better way to add() with specific permissions
763      */
764     public synchronized void add() throws DBException {
765         String datestamp = DateTime.getDateTimeForDB();
766         setField(NODE_CREATED, datestamp);
767         setField(NODE_MODIFIED, datestamp);
769         super.add();
771         // does this node have a special handler?
772         NodeType entity = getEntity();
774         if (entity.hasCustomHandler()) {
775             entity.getCustomHandler().init(this);
776         }
777     }
779     /***
780      * We override to set dates, and make sure perms are complete.
781      *
782      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
783      */
784     public synchronized void update() throws DBException {
785         String datestamp = DateTime.getDateTimeForDB();
786         setField(NODE_MODIFIED, datestamp);
787         super.update();
789         // adjust group write permissions to new owner
790         User user = User.getUserFromId(getRequestingUid(), getDataContext());
791         String userPrimaryGroup = user.getPrimaryGroup();
792         List nodegroups = getWriteGroups();
794         if (!nodegroups.contains(userPrimaryGroup)) {
795             addGroupPerm(userPrimaryGroup,
796                     RowPermissions.OTHERS_READ_AND_GROUP_WRITES_PERMISSIONS);
797         }
798     }
800     /*  update() */
802     /***
803      * Format XML for this node.
804      * Note that double quotes are removed from regular
805      * fields (varchar fields) by the JDBC escape handler.  longvarchar fields,
806      * on the other hand, are not filtered by this handler, NOR by standard calls
807      * to getField which would normally use the FilterManager.  so longvarchar
808      * fields must be filtered manually.
809      * <p/>
810      * This routine is intensive on DB.  To lighten load, security checks are reduced after first node.
811      * related nodes are assumed readable, so we use "superuser"
812      * </p>
813      *
814      * @param alreadyIncluded list of nodes already included in XML; used to prevent infinite loop if a circular relation is found
815      * @param request         the <code>ExpressoRequest</code> object.
816      * @return dom4j Element.
817      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
818      */
819     public Element getXML(ExpressoRequest request, ArrayList alreadyIncluded) throws DBException {
820         Filter old = setFilterClass(new XmlFilter());
822         // protect against infinite loop if a referenced node loops back to this node
823         if (alreadyIncluded.contains(this)) {
824             Element root = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(REFERENCE);
826             // we already included this node; just write an attribute for ID
827             root.addAttribute(REF_ID, getGlobalId()).addAttribute(Node.NODE_TITLE, getNodeTitle());
829             return root;
830         }
832         Element root = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(getNodeType());
833         alreadyIncluded.add(this);
835         // are we changing title for a duplication of tree?
836         String title = getNodeTitle();
837         boolean isChangingTitle = request.getParameter(AddNodeAction.IS_CHANGE_TITLE) != null;
839         if (isChangingTitle) {
840             String append = request.getParameter(AddNodeAction.APPEND_TO_TITLE);
842             // super geeks can put in regexp in format 's/old/new/'
843             if (append != null) {
844                 if (append.startsWith("s/") && append.endsWith("/")) {
845                     String[] pieces = append.split("/");
847                     if (pieces.length != 3) {
848                         throw new DBException("found substitution string: " +
849                                 append +
850                                 " and expected it to parse into 3 pieces by key '/', " +
851                                 "but found num pieces: " + pieces.length);
852                     }
854                     title = title.replaceFirst(pieces[1], pieces[2]);
855                 } else {
856                     title += append;
857                 }
858             }
859         }
861         root.addAttribute(Node.NODE_TITLE, title);
863         root.addAttribute(NodeType.NODE_TYPE_VERSION, getVersion());
864         root.addAttribute(IDENT_TAG_NAME, getGlobalId());
866         //        root.addAttribute(Node.NODE_OWNER, getNodeOwner());
867         //        root.addAttribute(Node.NODE_CREATED, getNodeCreated());
868         //        root.addAttribute(Node.NODE_MODIFIED, getNodeModified());
869         String comment = getNodeComment();
871         if (comment.length() > 0) {
872             root.addElement(Node.NODE_COMMENT).setText(comment);
873         }
875         String annotation = getNodeAnnotation();
877         if (annotation.length() > 0) {
878             root.addElement(Node.NODE_ANNOTATION).setText(annotation);
879         }
881         HashMap refsonlymap = getNodeTypesWithRefOnly_Map(request);
882         HashMap ignoredRelationsMap = getIgnoredRelations(request);
884         Part[] parts = PartsFactory.getParts(getNodeType());
886         for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
887             Part part = parts[i];
889             if (part.isSharedNodeAttrib()) {
890                 if (ignoredRelationsMap.get(part.getNodeRelation()) != null) {
891                     continue;
892                 }
894                 Node[] related = getRelatedNodesAssumeSecure(part.
895                         getNodeRelation(),
896                         part.getPartType());
898                 if (related.length > 0) {
899                     Element relatedElmCollection = root.addElement(RELATED);
900                     relatedElmCollection.addAttribute(Part.PART_LABEL, part.getPartLabel());
901                     relatedElmCollection.addAttribute(Part.PART_TYPE, part.getPartType());
902                     relatedElmCollection.addAttribute(Part.NODE_PART_RELATION_TYPE, part.getNodeRelation());
903                     relatedElmCollection.addAttribute(Part.PART_NUM, part.getPartNum());
905                     for (int j = 0; j < related.length; j++) {
906                         Node aRelatedNode = related[j];
907                         NodeType nodeType = aRelatedNode.getEntity();
909                         // just use references to related nodes that 'prefer' to be seen as IDs
910                         boolean useIdForRef = refsonlymap.get(nodeType.getEntityName()) != null;
912                         String order = null;
914                         if (related.length > 1) {
915                             order = "" + (j + 1); // assumes order is linear with no gaps
916                         }
918                         if (useIdForRef) {
919                             // just output ID
920                             aRelatedNode.addRef(relatedElmCollection, order);
921                         } else {
922                             // output entire xml tree
923                             Element relXml = aRelatedNode.getXML(request, alreadyIncluded);
925                             // add relation order attrib
926                             if (order != null) {
927                                 relXml.addAttribute(Relation.RELATION_ORDER, order);
928                             }
930                             relatedElmCollection.add(relXml);
931                         }
932                     }
933                 }
934             } else {
935                 Attribute[] attribs = getAttributesAssumeSecure(part.getPartType());
936                 boolean addOrder = attribs.length > 1;
938                 if (attribs.length > 0) {
939                     if (part.isSingleValued() && (attribs.length > 1)) {
940                         // make sure we only output one; additional are programming error
941                         attribs = new Attribute[]{attribs[0]};
942                     }
945                     for (int j = 0; j < attribs.length; j++) {
946                         Attribute attrib = attribs[j];
947                         root.add(attrib.getXML(request, addOrder));
948                     }
949                 } else {
951                     // check if we should create default
952                     if (part.isHaveCustomHandler()) {
953                         IPartHandler handler = part.getCustomHandler();
954                         if (handler.isNeededInFullXML()) {
955                             // need to create matrix attrib with node-owners perm.
956                             ReadOnlyUser oldUser = getRequestingUser();
957                             this.setRequestingUser(User.getUserFromId(ownerID()));
958                             Attribute attrib = AbstractMatrixHandler.createAttrib(this, part.getPartType());
959                             this.setRequestingUser(oldUser);
960                             getLogger().debug("creating new attribute of type: " +
961                                     attrib.getAttribType());
963                             root.add(attrib.getXML(request, addOrder));
964                         }
965                     }
966                 }
968             }
969         }
971         setFilterClass(old); // reset
973         return root;
974     }
976     /***
977      * @param request the <code>ExpressoRequest</code> object.
978      * @return hashmap of param values which have name 'refs_only'
979      */
980     public static HashMap getNodeTypesWithRefOnly_Map(ExpressoRequest request) {
981         HashMap refs_only = new HashMap();
983         String[] ref_only = Controller.getParamValues((ServletControllerRequest)
984                 request,
985                 REFS_ONLY);
987         for (int i = 0; (ref_only != null) && (i < ref_only.length); i++) {
988             String referenceOnlyType = ref_only[i];
989             refs_only.put(referenceOnlyType, referenceOnlyType);
990         }
992         return refs_only;
993     }
995     /***
996      * @param request the <code>ExpressoRequest</code> object.
997      * @return map of param values which have name 'IGNORE_RELATIONS'
998      */
999     public static HashMap getIgnoredRelations(ExpressoRequest request) {
1000         HashMap ignoredRelmap = new HashMap();
1002         String[] ignored = Controller.getParamValues((ServletControllerRequest) request, IGNORE_RELATIONS);
1004         for (int i = 0; (ignored != null) && (i < ignored.length); i++) {
1005             String ignoredRel = ignored[i];
1006             ignoredRelmap.put(ignoredRel, ignoredRel);
1007         }
1009         return ignoredRelmap;
1010     }
1012     /***
1013      * Add a reference ID tag to the xml for this node.
1014      *
1015      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1016      */
1017     private void addRef(Element elem, String order) throws DBException {
1018         elem.addElement(REFERENCE)
1019                 .addAttribute(REF_ID, getGlobalId())
1020                 .addAttribute(Node.NODE_TITLE, getNodeTitle());
1022         if (order != null) {
1023             elem.addAttribute(Relation.RELATION_ORDER, order);
1024         }
1025     }
1027     /***
1028      * Assuming all access is privileged, get related nodes.
1029      *
1030      * @return an array of related nodes.
1031      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1032      */
1033     private Node[] getRelatedNodesAssumeSecure(String relation, String partType) throws DBException {
1034         List list = getRawRelatedAssumeSecure(getDataContext(), relation, partType);
1035         ArrayList resultList = new ArrayList();
1037         for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
1038             MultiDBObject aMultiObject = (MultiDBObject);
1039             String id = aMultiObject.getField(Node.NODE_JOIN, Node.NODE_ID);
1040             Node node = new Node(SuperUser.INSTANCE);
1041             node.setNodeId(id);
1042             node.setDataContext(getDataContext());
1043             node.retrieve();
1044             resultList.add(node);
1045         }
1047         return (Node[]) resultList.toArray(new Node[resultList.size()]);
1048     }
1050     /***
1051      * For creating universally unique IDs ("global" ids)
1052      * by combining machine name with internal ID.
1053      *
1054      * @return node id.
1055      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1056      */
1057     public String getGlobalId() throws DBException {
1058         //        String serverName = Setup.getValue(DBConnection
1059         // .DEFAULT_DB_CONTEXT_NAME, "HTTPServ");
1060         //        return serverName + ID_DELIMITER + getNodeId();
1061         return getNodeId();
1062     }
1064     public String getRecentEditor() throws DBException {
1065         return getField(NODE_OWNER);
1066     }
1068     public void setRecentEditor(String username) throws DBException {
1069         setField(NODE_OWNER, username);
1070     }
1072     /***
1073      * Get node type; will throw if node type is not set or cannot be found.
1074      *
1075      * @return entity named by the node type of this node
1076      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1077      */
1078     public NodeType getEntity() throws DBException {
1079         NodeType type = new NodeType(getRequestingUser());
1080         type.setDataContext(getDataContext());
1081         type.setEntityName(getNodeType());
1083         if (!type.find()) {
1084             throw new DBException("cannot find node type with entity name: " +
1085                     getNodeType());
1086         }
1088         return type;
1089     }
1091     /***
1092      * Create clone which copies all EXCEPT &quot;upstream&quot; links.
1093      *
1094      * @param title The Node Title.
1095      * @return cloned Node
1096      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1097      * @see #cloneSibling
1098      */
1099     public Node cloneOrphan(String title) throws DBException {
1100         Node clone = cloneAllButRelations(title);
1101         cloneOrphanRelations(clone);
1103         return clone;
1104     }
1106     private void cloneOrphanRelations(Node clone) throws DBException {
1107         cloneRelations(clone, false);
1108     }
1110     private Node cloneAllButRelations(String title) throws DBException {
1111         Node clone = new Node(this);
1112         clone.setNodeId(getNodeId());
1113         clone.retrieve();
1115         clone.setNodeTitle(title);
1116         clone.setNodeId(
1117                 "0"); // resetting id isn't technically necessary, since auto-inc field WILL get new value with add() method
1119         // clone by just adding -- auto-inc magic
1120         clone.add();
1122         copyAttribsInto(clone);
1124         return clone;
1125     }
1127     /***
1128      * Copies all the node attributes into the specified node.
1129      *
1130      * @param clone Node the node we're copying into.
1131      * @throws DBException upon error.
1132      */
1133     private void copyAttribsInto(Node clone) throws DBException {
1134         List attribs = getAttributes();
1135         for (Iterator iterator = attribs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
1136             Attribute attrib = (Attribute);
1137             attrib.clone(clone.getNodeId());
1138         }
1139     }
1141     /***
1142      * Clone ALL relations.
1143      *
1144      * @param clone The node to clone.
1145      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1146      */
1147     private void cloneRelations(Node clone) throws DBException {
1148         cloneRelations(clone, true);
1149     }
1151     /***
1152      * clone relations--all or some, depending on boolean
1153      *
1154      * @param cloneNode  The node to clone.
1155      * @param isCloneAll true if all relations are cloned;
1156      *                   false if we omit some in order to create an "orphan" clone
1157      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1158      */
1159     private void cloneRelations(Node cloneNode, boolean isCloneAll) throws DBException {
1160         Relation[] src = getSrcRelations();
1162         for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
1163             Relation relation = src[i];
1165             if (!isCloneAll && relation.isUpstreamLink(Relation.RELATION_SRC)) {
1166                 continue;
1167             }
1169             relation.clone(cloneNode.getNodeId(), Relation.RELATION_SRC);
1170         }
1172         Relation[] dest = getDestRelations();
1174         for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
1175             Relation relation = dest[i];
1177             if (!isCloneAll && relation.isUpstreamLink(Relation.RELATION_DEST)) {
1178                 continue;
1179             }
1181             relation.clone(cloneNode.getNodeId(), Relation.RELATION_DEST);
1182         }
1183     }
1185     /***
1186      * Compares this object with the specified object for order.  Returns a
1187      * negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less
1188      * than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.<p>
1189      * <p/>
1190      * In the foregoing description, the notation
1191      * <tt>sgn(</tt><i>expression</i><tt>)</tt> designates the mathematical
1192      * <i>signum</i> function, which is defined to return one of <tt>-1</tt>,
1193      * <tt>0</tt>, or <tt>1</tt> according to whether
1194      * the value of <i>expression</i>
1195      * is negative, zero or positive.
1196      * <p/>
1197      * The implementor must ensure <tt>sgn(x.compareTo(y)) ==
1198      * -sgn(y.compareTo(x))</tt> for all <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt>.  (This
1199      * implies that <tt>x.compareTo(y)</tt> must throw an exception iff
1200      * <tt>y.compareTo(x)</tt> throws an exception.)<p>
1201      * <p/>
1202      * The implementor must also ensure that the relation is transitive:
1203      * <tt>(x.compareTo(y)&gt;0 &amp;&amp; y.compareTo(z)&gt;0)</tt> implies
1204      * <tt>x.compareTo(z)&gt;0</tt>.<p>
1205      * <p/>
1206      * Finally, the implementer must ensure that <tt>x.compareTo(y)==0</tt>
1207      * implies that <tt>sgn(x.compareTo(z)) == sgn(y.compareTo(z))</tt>, for
1208      * all <tt>z</tt>.<p>
1209      * <p/>
1210      * It is strongly recommended, but <i>not</i> strictly required that
1211      * <tt>(x.compareTo(y)==0) == (x.equals(y))</tt>.  Generally speaking, any
1212      * class that implements the <tt>Comparable</tt> interface and violates
1213      * this condition should clearly indicate this fact.  The recommended
1214      * language is "Note: this class has a natural ordering that is
1215      * inconsistent with equals."
1216      *
1217      * @param o the Object to be compared.
1218      * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object
1219      *         is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
1220      * @throws ClassCastException if the specified object's type prevents it
1221      *                            from being compared to this Object.
1222      */
1223     public int compareTo(Object o) {
1224         try {
1225             return getNodeTitle().compareTo(((Node) o).getNodeTitle());
1226         } catch (DBException e) {
1227             throw new RuntimeException(e);
1228         }
1229     }
1231     /***
1232      * Allow a special hander to create custom view,
1233      * while providing default view also.
1234      *
1235      * @param defaultaction the default controller.
1236      * @param request       the ExpressoRequest object.
1237      * @param response      the ExpressoResponse object.
1238      * @throws DBException         upon database access error.
1239      * @throws ControllerException upon controller element related error.
1240      */
1241     public void view(final AbstractDBController defaultaction,
1242                      final ExpressoRequest request,
1243                      final ExpressoResponse response) throws DBException, ControllerException {
1245         NodeType entity = getEntity();
1247         if (entity.hasCustomHandler()) {
1248             INodeHandler handler = entity.getCustomHandler();
1249             handler.view(this, defaultaction, (ControllerRequest) request, (ControllerResponse) response);
1250         } else {
1251             // use default handler
1252             ((AddNodeAction) defaultaction).view(this, (ControllerRequest) request, (ControllerResponse) response);
1253         }
1254     }
1256     public void setNodeAnnotation(final String annotation) throws DBException {
1257         setField(NODE_ANNOTATION, annotation);
1258     }
1260     public void setNodeComment(final String s) throws DBException {
1261         setField(NODE_COMMENT, s);
1262     }
1264     /***
1265      * @param nodeOwner login name of last editor
1266      */
1267     public void setNodeOwner(final String nodeOwner) throws DBException {
1268         setField(NODE_OWNER, nodeOwner);
1269     }
1271     /***
1272      * Find nodes contained just beneath this one.
1273      *
1274      * @param request the <code>ExpressoRequest</code> object.
1275      * @return array of nodes which have relation RelationType
1276      *         .DEST_IS_PART_OF_SRC with our node as "src"
1277      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1278      */
1279     public Node[] getShallowContainedNodes(final String type, final ExpressoRequest request) throws DBException {
1280         return getRelatedNodes(RelationType.DEST_IS_PART_OF_SRC, type);
1281     }
1283     /***
1284      * Recursively clone contained tree beneath this node, including this node.
1285      *
1286      * @return cloned node instance.
1287      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1288      */
1289     public Node cloneTree(final String suffix, final HashMap itemInfo) throws DBException {
1290         // make sure title & suffix are ok
1291         Node queryNode = new Node(getRequestingUser());
1292         queryNode.setDataContext(getDataContext());
1293         queryNode.setNodeTitle(getNodeTitle() + suffix);
1295         if (queryNode.find()) {
1296             throw new DBException("A node named: '" + queryNode.getNodeTitle() +
1297                     "' already exists.");
1298         }
1300         Relation[] src = getSrcRelations();
1302         for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
1303             Relation relation = src[i];
1305             // todo need to recurse into testing all
1306             //contained node titles in tree
1307             if (RelationType.DEST_IS_PART_OF_SRC.equals(relation.getRelationTypeName())) {
1308                 Node destNode = relation.getDestNode();
1309                 queryNode.clear();
1310                 queryNode.setNodeTitle(destNode.getNodeTitle() + suffix);
1312                 if (queryNode.find()) {
1313                     throw new DBException("A node named: '" +
1314                             queryNode.getNodeTitle() + "' already exists.");
1315                 }
1316             }
1317         }
1319         Relation[] dest = getDestRelations();
1321         for (int i = 0; i < dest.length; i++) {
1322             Relation relation = dest[i];
1324             if (RelationType.DEST_CONTAINS_SRC.equals(relation.getRelationTypeName())) {
1325                 Node srcNode = relation.getSrcNode();
1326                 queryNode.clear();
1327                 queryNode.setNodeTitle(srcNode.getNodeTitle() + suffix);
1329                 if (queryNode.find()) {
1330                     throw new DBException("A node named: '" +
1331                             queryNode.getNodeTitle() + "' already exists.");
1332                 }
1333             }
1334         }
1336         return cloneAllButRelations(getNodeTitle() + suffix);
1337     }
1339     /***
1340      * Parse xml to create relations; all nodes from xml are assumed
1341      * already created by
1342      * Node(xml) constructor.
1343      *
1344      * @param allNodesByXML_ID all nodes put in hash with key of the ID
1345      *                         in the import XML, to ease
1346      *                         relationship-building.
1347      * @return a list of nodes which where discovered, and which need processing
1348      * @throws Exception upon DOM or database error.
1349      */
1350     public List parseXMLRelations(final Map allNodesByXML_ID, final boolean isExternalRefRequired) throws Exception {
1351         ArrayList containedNodesNeedingParsing = new ArrayList();
1352         Element root = (Element) getAttribute("root");
1354         if (root == null) {
1355             return containedNodesNeedingParsing;
1356         }
1358         List list = root.selectNodes("./" + RELATED);
1360         for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
1361             Element relElem = (Element);
1362             String reltype = relElem.attributeValue(Part.
1363                     NODE_PART_RELATION_TYPE); // can be null
1364             String parttype = relElem.attributeValue(Part.PART_TYPE);
1366             // sanity check that there is a part of this type
1367             Part part = PartsFactory.getPart(getNodeType(), parttype, reltype);
1369             if (part == null) {
1370                 throw new DBException("cannot find part/relation: '" +
1371                         parttype + "/" + reltype +
1372                         "' which is expected in node of type: '" + getNodeType() +
1373                         "' because the node being processed, with title: '" +
1374                         getNodeTitle() + "' contains the XML segment: " +
1375                         AbstractDBController.getPrettyXML(relElem));
1376             }
1378             // get all children, which could be 'inline' nodes, or references
1379             List children = relElem.elements();
1381             for (Iterator childiter = children.iterator();
1382                  childiter.hasNext();) {
1383                 Element childElem = (Element);
1385                 // we expect to create a new relation between our
1386                 //parent node and this related node
1387                 Relation rel = new Relation();
1388                 rel.setSrcId(getNodeId());
1389                 rel.setRelationTypeName(part.getNodeRelation());
1391                 Node destnode = null;
1392                 String order = null;
1394                 if (REFERENCE.equals(childElem.getName())) { // reference
1396                     // is this a local node?
1397                     String refid = childElem.attributeValue(Node.REF_ID);
1398                     order = childElem.attributeValue(Relation.RELATION_ORDER);
1399                     destnode = (Node) allNodesByXML_ID.get(refid);
1401                     if (destnode == null) {
1402                         // external reference;
1403                         if (isExternalRefRequired) {
1404                             // search for match
1405                             Node searchnode = new Node(refid);
1407                             if (!searchnode.find()) {
1408                                 throw new DBException("Cannot find referenced node ID: " + refid +
1409                                         " neither inside XML nor in this system.");
1410                             }
1412                             destnode = searchnode;
1413                         } else {
1414                             // just ignore external refs
1415                             if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
1416                                 getLogger().debug("Ignore external refs.");
1417                             }
1418                         }
1419                     } // handle non local node w/i preparsed allnodes hash
1420                 } else {
1421                     // inline node--we have already parsed basic node,
1422                     // just parse out internal id
1423                     String id = childElem.attributeValue(IDENT_TAG_NAME);
1424                     order = childElem.attributeValue(Relation.RELATION_ORDER);
1425                     destnode = (Node) allNodesByXML_ID.get(id);
1427                     if (destnode == null) {
1428                         throw new DBException("Cannot find inline node ID: "
1429                                 + id
1430                                 + " which was supposed to be already parsed and "
1431                                 + "waiting in allNodes hash.");
1432                     }
1434                     containedNodesNeedingParsing.add(destnode);
1435                 }
1437                 // we may have not found a dest node
1438                 if (destnode != null) {
1439                     // for import final display, add attribute for relation label
1440                     //                    destnode.setAttribute("rel_label",
1441                     //part.getPartLabel());
1442                     // add this relation
1443                     rel.setDestId(destnode.getNodeId());
1445                     if (!rel.find()) {
1446                         if (order == null) {
1447                             order = "1";
1448                         }
1450                         rel.setOrder(order);
1451                         rel.add();
1452                     }
1453                 }
1454             }
1455         } // all related tags (shared parts)
1457         return containedNodesNeedingParsing;
1458     }
1460     /***
1461      * Parse xml to create relations and attributes; nodes are assumed already
1462      * created by Node(xml) constructor, and allNodes has map of all nodes.
1463      * <p><b>SIDE-EFFECT:</b> removes attribute for xml from this node--we are
1464      * finished with xml, and this is a flag that no more parsing is
1465      * required/allowed
1466      * </p>
1467      *
1468      * @param allNodesByXML_ID     java.util.Map
1469      * @param request              The ExpressoRequest Object
1470      * @param translatePicklistMap map of old ID to new picklist item, for translation
1471      * @throws Exception upon database or DOM error.
1472      */
1473     public void parseXMLAttributes(Map allNodesByXML_ID,
1474                                    ExpressoRequest request,
1475                                    Map translatePicklistMap
1476     ) throws Exception {
1477         Element root = (Element) getAttribute("root");
1479         if (root == null) {
1480             return;
1481         }
1483         // owned attributes
1484         Part[] parts = PartsFactory.getParts(getNodeType());
1486         for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
1487             Part part = parts[i];
1489             if (part.isOwnedAttribute()) {
1490                 // is this attribute present in xml?
1491                 List list = root.selectNodes("./" + part.getPartType());
1493                 for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
1494                      iterator.hasNext();) {
1495                     Element attElem = (Element);
1496                     Attribute attrib = new Attribute();
1497                     attrib.setAttributeType(part.getPartType());
1498                     attrib.setParentNodeType(getNodeType());
1499                     attrib.setParentNodeId(getNodeId());
1501                     String attcomment = attElem.attributeValue(Attribute.
1502                             ATTRIBUTE_COMMENT);
1504                     if (attcomment != null) {
1505                         attrib.setAttributeComment(attcomment);
1506                     }
1508                     String value = attElem.attributeValue(Attribute.
1509                             ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1511                     if (value != null) {
1512                         attrib.setAttributeValue(value);
1513                         if (attrib.hasPicklist() && translatePicklistMap != null) {
1514                             // translate the picklist ID
1515                             PickList item = (PickList) translatePicklistMap.get(value);
1516                             if (item == null) {
1517                                 getLogger().error("Cannot find picklist translation for incoming picklist ID: " + value);
1518                             } else {
1519                                 attrib.setAttributeValue(item.getID());
1520                             }
1521                         }
1522                     }
1524                     String order = attElem.attributeValue(Attribute.
1525                             ATTRIBUTE_ORDER);
1527                     if (order == null) {
1528                         order = "1";
1529                     }
1531                     attrib.setOrder(order);
1533                     attrib.add(); // need id before parsing for custom handler
1535                     if (attrib.hasCustomHandler()) {
1536                         attrib.getCustomHandler().parseXML(attElem, attrib,
1537                                 allNodesByXML_ID, (ControllerRequest) request);
1538                     }
1539                 }
1540             }
1541         }
1543         // we are done with parsing, and remove the attribute
1544         removeAttribute("root");
1545     } // parsexml
1547     /***
1548      * Get ALL related nodes in tree beneath this node EXCEPT types
1549      * indicated for omission
1550      * recurses into tree; side-effect: adds attribute 'level' with node
1551      * level w/i tree to each node.
1552      * <p/>
1553      * Uses optional INDENT attribute to determine formatting indentation
1554      * </p>
1555      *
1556      * @param request   The ExpressoRequest object.
1557      * @param outputMap which will end up containing all nodes in tree;
1558      *                  hand in empty map to begin with
1559      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1560      * @see #INDENT
1561      */
1562     public void getNodesInStronglyRelatedTree(ExpressoRequest request, HashMap outputMap) throws DBException {
1563         getNodesInStronglyRelatedTree(outputMap);
1564     }
1566     /***
1567      * Get ALL related nodes in tree beneath this node EXCEPT types indicated
1568      * for omission
1569      * recurses into tree; side-effect: adds attribute 'level' with node level
1570      * w/i tree to each node.
1571      * <p/>
1572      * uses optional INDENT attribute to determine formatting indentation
1573      * </p>
1574      *
1575      * @param outputMap which will end up containing all nodes in tree;
1576      *                  hand in empty map to begin with
1577      * @throws DBException upon database access error.
1578      * @see #INDENT
1579      */
1580     public void getNodesInStronglyRelatedTree(Map outputMap) throws DBException {
1581         TreeSelectionFactory selectionFactory = new TreeSelectionFactory(this);
1582         outputMap.putAll(selectionFactory.getNodesInStronglyRelatedTree());
1583     }
1585     /***
1586      * Get all parts within this node.
1587      *
1588      * @return An array of Parts for this node.
1589      * @throws DBException upon database error.
1590      */
1591     public Part[] getParts() throws DBException {
1592         return PartsFactory.getParts(getNodeType());
1593     }
1595     /***
1596      * Set recent editor and modification date.  To save bandwidth and
1597      * ease, this function will not update if all the conditions are true.
1598      * <ol>
1599      * <li>The current user is the same as the last editor </li>
1600      * <li>Less then a second has passed since the last update.</li>
1601      * </ol>
1602      *
1603      * @throws DBException upon database error.
1604      */
1605     public void touch() throws DBException {
1606         //If last editor has not changed.
1607         if (RequestRegistry.getUser().getLoginName().equals(getRecentEditor())) {
1608             Date now = new Date();
1609             Date lastTouched = this.getFieldDate(NODE_MODIFIED);
1611             //And the update time is less than 1000 milliseconds
1612             if (lastTouched != null && Math.abs(now.getTime() - lastTouched.getTime()) < 1000) {
1614                 //Then do not touch.
1615                 return;
1616             }
1617         }
1619         setRecentEditor(RequestRegistry.getUser().getLoginName());
1620         update(true); // will touch mod date
1621     }
1623     /***
1624      * provide a transition for viewing this object, suitable for creating an
1625      * HTTP link
1626      *
1627      * @return transtion for viewing, including label for name of object; never null
1628      */
1629     public Transition getViewTrans() throws DBException {
1630         Transition trans = new Transition(getNodeTitle(), AddNodeAction.class, AddNodeAction.VIEW_NODE);
1631         trans.addParam(Node.NODE_ID, getNodeId());
1632         return trans;
1633     }
1635     public void acceptVisitor(ModelVisitor visitor) {
1636         visitor.visitNode(this);
1637     }
1640     public String getNodeTitleRaw() throws DBException {
1641         Filter old = setFilterClass(new RawFilter());
1642         String raw = getNodeTitle();
1643         setFilterClass(old);
1645         return raw;
1646     }
1648     /***
1649      * Find all properly-typed nodes related to this source node, with
1650      * relation of given type.
1651      *
1652      * @param relationType               the relationship type
1653      * @param targetNodeType             nodes of this type (only) will be returned
1654      * @param toPopulateOldRemainingList (returned param) list to receive ordered list of
1655      *                                   MultiDBObjects; pass in null if you don't want this list added
1656      * @return hash with key = node Id, value = node
1657      * @throws DBException upon error.
1658      */
1659     public Map getRelatedNodesHash(String relationType,
1660                                    String targetNodeType,
1661                                    List toPopulateOldRemainingList) throws DBException {
1663         List list = this.getRawRelated(relationType, targetNodeType);
1665         if (toPopulateOldRemainingList != null) {
1666             toPopulateOldRemainingList.addAll(list);
1667         }
1669         Hashtable alreadySelected = new Hashtable(list.size());
1671         for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
1672             MultiDBObject aMultiObject = (MultiDBObject) list.get(i);
1673             String nodeId = aMultiObject.getField(Node.NODE_JOIN,
1674                     Node.NODE_ID);
1675             alreadySelected.put(nodeId, aMultiObject);
1676         }
1678         return alreadySelected;
1679     }
1681     /***
1682      * Updates the specified node relation to reflect the new values specified
1683      * in the targetNodeIds.
1684      *
1685      * @param targetNodeType String
1686      * @param relationType   String
1687      * @param targetNodeIds  String[]
1688      * @throws DBException
1689      */
1690     public void updateNodeRelations(String targetNodeType, String relationType, String[] targetNodeIds) throws
1691             DBException {
1693         List added = new ArrayList();
1694         List oldRemainingList = new ArrayList();
1695         Map toRemoveHash = getRelatedNodesHash(relationType,
1696                 targetNodeType, oldRemainingList); // we will remove items from hash if they remain checked
1698         //
1699         //Then add.
1700         //
1701         for (int k = 0; (targetNodeIds != null) && (k < targetNodeIds.length); k++) {
1702             String nodeId = targetNodeIds[k];
1703             if (toRemoveHash.get(nodeId) != null) {
1704                 // no need to set this relation--it is already set
1705                 // remove it from our list so that we'll know the items that
1706                 // were relatedBefore but now are NOT related
1707                 toRemoveHash.remove(nodeId);
1709                 continue;
1710             }
1712             // new item to add
1713             Relation relation = new Relation(RequestRegistry.getUser());
1714             relation.setField(Relation.RELATION_SRC, this.getNodeId());
1715             relation.setField(Relation.RELATION_DEST, nodeId);
1716             relation.setField(Relation.RELATION_TYPE, relationType);
1717             relation.setOrder(oldRemainingList.size() + 1 + added.size());
1718             relation.add();
1720             added.add(relation);
1721         }
1723         //Now prune
1724         // anything left in toRemoveHash should be removed
1725         for (Iterator enumeration = toRemoveHash.values().iterator();
1726              enumeration.hasNext();) {
1727             MultiDBObject join = (MultiDBObject);
1728             String destId = join.getField(Node.RELATION_JOIN,
1729                     Relation.RELATION_DEST);
1730             Relation relation = new Relation();
1731             relation.setField(Relation.RELATION_SRC, this.getNodeId());
1732             relation.setField(Relation.RELATION_DEST, destId);
1733             relation.setField(Relation.RELATION_TYPE, relationType);
1734             relation.delete();
1735         }
1736     }
1738     /***
1739      * get all nodes that have this node as 'src' for some strong relation
1740      *
1741      * @return array, never null
1742      */
1743     public Node[] getStronglyRelatedNodes() throws DBException {
1744         MultiDBObject joinObject = new MultiDBObject();
1745         joinObject.setDataContext(getDataContext());
1747         // we join a relation
1748         joinObject.addDBObj(Relation.class.getName(), RELATION_JOIN);
1750         // and a node
1751         joinObject.addDBObj(Node.class.getName(), NODE_JOIN);
1753         // and a relation type
1754         joinObject.addDBObj(RelationType.class.getName(), RELATION_TYPE_JOIN);
1756         // and make sure the relation is for this node as source
1757         joinObject.setForeignKey(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_DEST, NODE_JOIN, Node.NODE_ID);
1758         joinObject.setField(RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_SRC, getNodeId());
1760         // relation type must be strong
1761         joinObject.setForeignKey(RELATION_TYPE_JOIN, RelationType.RELATION_TYPE_NAME, RELATION_JOIN, Relation.RELATION_TYPE);
1762         joinObject.setField(RELATION_TYPE_JOIN, RelationType.RELATION_STRENGTH, RelationType.STRONG_RELATION);
1764         // sort by node title
1765         List list = joinObject.searchAndRetrieveList(Relation.RELATION_ORDER);
1767         ArrayList resultList = new ArrayList();
1769         for (Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
1770             MultiDBObject aMultiObject = (MultiDBObject);
1771             Node node = (Node) aMultiObject.getDBObject(NODE_JOIN);
1772             resultList.add(node);
1773         }
1775         return (Node[]) resultList.toArray(new Node[resultList.size()]);
1776     }
1777 }