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1   /* ===================================================================
2    * Copyright 2002-04 SRI International.
3    * Released under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1
4    * which can be obtained at
5    * This software is distributed on an "AS IS"
6    * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7    * See the License for the specific language governing rights and
8    * limitations under the License.
9    * =================================================================== */
10  package com.sri.emo.dbobj;
12  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBConnection;
13  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBException;
14  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.dbobj.DBField;
15  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.dbobj.RowSecuredDBObject;
16  import;
17  import;
20  /***
21   * A setting for a variable.
22   *
23   * @author larry hamel
24   */
25  public class Setting extends RowSecuredDBObject implements ISetting {
26      /***
27  	 * 
28  	 */
29  	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
31  	/***
32       * TEMPLATE node id.  PK with SETTING_NODE_ID, foreign key to node table
33       * Settings are attached to templates only
34       */
35      public static final String TEMPLATE_NODE_ID = "TEMPLATE_NODE_ID";
37      /***
38       * for this particular node, somehow associated with template, this setting applies
39       */
40      public static final String SETTING_NODE_ID = "SETTING_NODE_ID"; // PK, foreign key
42      /***
43       * the chosen category
44       */
45      public static final String VALUE = "VALUE";
46      public static final String COMMENT = "COMMENT";
47      public static final String SETTING_DESCRIPTION = "Setting";
48      public static final String NOT_SPECIFIED_DISPLAY = PickList.NOT_SPECIFIED_DISPLAY;
49      public static final String NOT_SPECIFIED_ENTRY_INDEX = "0";
51      /***
52       * @throws DBException If the new object cannot be
53       *                     created
54       */
55      public Setting() throws DBException {
56      }
58      public Setting(String templateId, String settingParentNodeId) throws DBException {
59          super();
60          setTemplateId(templateId);
61          setSettingTargetId(settingParentNodeId);
62      }
64      public ISetting getInstance(String templateId, String settingParentNodeId) throws DBException {
65          Setting setting = new Setting();
66          setting.setTemplateId(templateId);
67          setting.setSettingTargetId(settingParentNodeId);
68          return setting;
69      }
71      /***
72       * Constructor
73       *
74       * @param theConnection DBConnection to be used to
75       *                      communicate with the database
76       * @param theUser       User name attempting to access the
77       *                      object
78       * @throws DBException If the user cannot access this
79       *                     object or the object cannot be initialized
80       */
81      public Setting(DBConnection theConnection, int theUser)
82              throws DBException {
83          super(theConnection, theUser);
84      }
86      /***
87       * Constructor for security setup.
88       *
89       * @param userSecurity ReadOnlyUser security context.
90       * @throws DBException upon construction error.
91       */
92      public Setting(final ReadOnlyUser userSecurity) throws DBException {
93          super(userSecurity);
94      }
97      /***
98       * Defines the database table name and fields for this DB object
99       *
100      * @throws DBException if the operation cannot be performed
101      */
102     protected synchronized void setupFields() throws DBException {
103         setTargetTable("Setting");
104         setDescription(SETTING_DESCRIPTION);
105         addField(TEMPLATE_NODE_ID, DBField.INTEGER_TYPE, 0, false,
106                 "foreign key to TEMPLATE node");
107         addField(SETTING_NODE_ID, DBField.INTEGER_TYPE, 0, false,
108                 "foreign key to node to which setting applies (e.g., this setting is for TMV with Id=123");
110         addField(VALUE, DBField.VARCHAR_TYPE, 254, true, "value");
111         addField(COMMENT, DBField.LONGVARCHAR_TYPE, 0, true, "Comment");
113         // PK is FK node id's in combination
114         addKey(TEMPLATE_NODE_ID);
115         addKey(SETTING_NODE_ID);
117         addIndex("parentID_idx", TEMPLATE_NODE_ID, false);
118     } /* setupFields() */
120     public String getValue() throws DBException {
121         return getField(VALUE);
122     }
124     /***
125      * @return ID for node which actually carries the setting value (i.e., not the template)
126      */
127     public String getSettingTargetId() throws DBException {
128         return getField(SETTING_NODE_ID);
129     }
131     /***
132      * will throw if not found
133      *
134      * @return the node, like task-model variable, that receives the setting
135      */
136     public Node getSettingTarget() throws DBException {
137         Node smv = new Node(getSettingTargetId());
138         smv.retrieve(); // will throw
140         return smv;
141     }
143     public void setTemplateId(String nodeId) throws DBException {
144         setField(TEMPLATE_NODE_ID, nodeId);
145     }
147     public void setSettingTargetId(String nodeId) throws DBException {
148         setField(SETTING_NODE_ID, nodeId);
149     }
151     public void setValue(String val) throws DBException {
152         setField(VALUE, val);
153     }
155     /***
156      * @return if item is menued, we store menu id, so translate stored ID into string; otherwise if freeform, just return stored string, defaulting to (not specified)
157      */
158     public String getDisplayValue()
159             throws DBException {
160         String result = getValue();
162         if ((result == null) || (result.length() == 0)) {
163             result = NOT_SPECIFIED_DISPLAY;
164         }
166         return result;
167     }
169     public String getComment() throws DBException {
170         return getField(COMMENT);
171     }
173     public void setComment(String comment) throws DBException {
174         setField(COMMENT, comment);
175     }
177     public boolean canWrite(int uid, boolean valueIfNew)
178             throws DBException {
179         boolean result = valueIfNew;
181         try {
182             retrieve();
183             result = canRequesterWrite();
184         } catch (Exception e) {
185             // no problem if new
186             result = valueIfNew;
187         }
189         return result;
190     }
192     public String getTemplateId() throws DBException {
193         return getField(TEMPLATE_NODE_ID);
194     }
197     /***
198      * override to use parent node perms for attrib.
199      *
200      * @param requestedFunction code for function -- Add, Update, Delete, Search (read)
201      * @return true if this function is allowed for this requesting user
202      * @throws SecurityException (unchecked) if not allowed
203      * @throws com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBException
204      *                           for other data-related errors.
205      */
206     public boolean isRowAllowed(String requestedFunction) throws DBException {
207         if (SuperUser.SYSTEM_UID == getRequestingUid() || getRequestingUser().isAdmin()) {
208             return true;
209         }
211         boolean result = false;
212         // if parent node can be found, use it
213         try {
214             // catch db exception, but NOT securityexception; if parent doesn't allow, don't allow attribute either
215             Node node = getTemplate();
216             result = node.isRowAllowed(requestedFunction);
217         } catch (DBException e) {
218             // use local permissons
219             result = super.isRowAllowed(requestedFunction);
220         }
222         return result;
223     }
225     private Node getTemplate() throws DBException {
226         Node node = new Node(getTemplateId());
227         node.retrieve();
228         return node;
229     }
231     /***
232      * OVERRIDE to use parent node permissions
233      *
234      * @param requestedFunction The code of the requested function. The codes are:
235      *                          <ol><li>A: Add<li>
236      *                          <li>S: Search<li>
237      *                          <li>U: Update<li>
238      *                          <li>D: Delete<li>
239      *                          </ol>
240      * @throws com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBException
241      *                           If the requested operation is not permitted to this user
242      * @throws SecurityException if the user is not allowed access to the object.
243      */
244     public void isAllowed(String requestedFunction) throws SecurityException, DBException {
245         if (getRequestingUser() == SuperUser.INSTANCE) {
246             return;
247         }
249         if (getRequestingUser().isAdmin()) {
250             return;
251         }
253         // if parent node can be found, use it
254         try {
255             // catch db exception, but NOT securityexception; if parent doesn't allow, don't allow attribute either
256             Node node = getTemplate();
257             node.isAllowed(requestedFunction);
258         } catch (DBException e) {
259             // use local permissons
260             super.isAllowed(requestedFunction);
261         }
262     } /* isAllowed(String) */
264 } // fini