Method Todos |
getJavaScript(): This method should ignore event handlers that don't apply to a given input... e.g. onKeyPress should be ignored for inputs that are not a text, textarea, password or file and onClick for inputs that are not checkboxes or radio buttons |
Class Todos |
If this turns out to be useful, add --no-drop arg to skip the drop/create steps. |
Method Todos |
postProcessCommand(): do we need tabs as well? |
Method Todos |
afterFinishState(): Implement this com.sri.emo.wizard.expressoimpl.WizardController method |
Method Todos |
afterFinishState(): Implement this com.sri.emo.wizard.expressoimpl.WizardController method |
Method Todos |
populateEditTransition(): Hack: Directly attached to AddNodeAction. |
Method Todos |
getField(): This code only works with Picklist_single_allowed cardinality. It doesn't handle multiple attributes or free-text attributes. |
Field Todos |
NODE_TYPE: remove this abomination; use join where only nodetype is used for searching |
Method Todos |
setupFields(): fill this function out to use your dbobject. |
Method Todos |
getPageDefinitions(): Refactor Selection wizard specifics to a separate table. |
getPertinentDecisionSteps(): Refactor Selection wizard specifics to a separate table. |
Method Todos |
addChild(): Implement this com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree.MutableModelNode method |
Class Todos |
Rewrite the model as a series of decorative interfaces that have an in-memory tree design -- use that tree design to assign indentation levels. |
Method Todos |
getNodesInTree(): get rid of side affect. |
Method Todos |
constructCustomHandlerPage(): Finish Me. |
Class Todos |
BUG -- Attributes here must be moved to Wizard Page or eventually when we rebuild Metadata with each step we'll lose the settings. |
Method Todos |
setData(): Implement this com.sri.emo.wizard.WizardPage method |
Method Todos |
edit(): Implement this com.sri.emo.dbobj.IWizardManager method |
Method Todos |
handleRequest(): Clean up validation logic to clear out |
Class Todos |
Change Constructor to use NodeId for constructor to allow automatic initialization. |
Method Todos |
setDynamicTarget(): should this just be set whenever setTargetId() is called?? |
Method Todos |
validateAndAdjust(): This is not a side-effect free function. Redesign so that 'fixing' logic is centralized in the DBObject Converter. |
Method Todos |
getIdField(): Implement this com.sri.emo.dbobj.wizards.AdditionalInfo method |
Method Todos |
constructCustomHandlerPage(): Finish Me. |
Class Todos |
BUG -- Attributes here must be moved to Wizard Page or eventually when we rebuild Metadata with each step we'll lose the settings. |
Method Todos |
setData(): Implement this com.sri.emo.wizard.WizardPage method |
Method Todos |
edit(): Implement this com.sri.emo.dbobj.IWizardManager method |
Method Todos |
handleRequest(): Clean up validation logic to clear out |
Class Todos |
Change Constructor to use NodeId for constructor to allow automatic initialization. |
Method Todos |
setDynamicTarget(): should this just be set whenever setTargetId() is called?? |
Method Todos |
validateAndAdjust(): This is not a side-effect free function. Redesign so that 'fixing' logic is centralized in the DBObject Converter. |
Method Todos |
getIdField(): Implement this com.sri.emo.dbobj.wizards.AdditionalInfo method |
Class Todos |
Refactor to use the WizStep ValidValue capabilities instead of homegrown arrays. |
Method Todos |
handleRequest(): Implement this com.sri.common.controller.StateHandler method |