[ summary] [ package list] [ test cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Success rate | Time(s) |
197 | 0 | 0 | 100.00% | 90.92 |
Note: failuresare anticipated and checked for with assertions while errorsare unanticipated.
[ summary] [ package list] [ test cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Success Rate | Time |
com.sri.emo.test | 197 | 0 | 0 | 100.00% | 90.92 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
[ summary] [ package list] [ test cases]
testCreate | 28.58 | |
testAddingSchemas | 0.21 | |
testSetupSecurity | 1.43 | |
testPopulateTables | 1.83 | |
testOtherSetups | 0.88 | |
testVerify | 0.47 | |
testGetMessageBundlePath | 0.21 | |
testDBMaintList | 0.43 | |
testSetUp | 0.17 | |
testIteratorHasNext | 0.04 | |
testIterator | 0.00 | |
testIteratorPastEnd | 0.00 | |
testGenerateReflextiveTransition | 0.00 | |
testRunDoState | 0.04 | |
testRunPromptState | 0.02 | |
testIterator | 0.11 | |
testGetRoot | 0.00 | |
testValidateTreeStructure | 0.00 | |
testIteratorThrowsExceptionPastEndOfList | 0.00 | |
testIteratingEmptyTreeStructure | 0.00 | |
testCombinedExceptionConstructor | 0.00 | |
testDefaultConstructor | 0.00 | |
testMessageConstructor | 0.00 | |
testWrappedExceptionConstructor | 0.00 | |
testGetCancelTransition | 0.09 | |
testGetCurrentWizard | 0.21 | |
testGetCurrentPage | 0.13 | |
testRunBeginStateWithNoParameter | 0.10 | |
testRunBeginState | 0.10 | |
testRunPreviousState | 0.12 | |
testRunFinishState | 0.07 | |
testNullDataShouldNotResultInErrorForNoEntryPages | 0.12 | |
testNullDataShouldResultInErrorCollection | 0.14 | |
testNullDataForFinishShouldResultInErrorCollection | 0.11 | |
testSessionExpiredShouldThrowExceptionOnNextOrPrevious | 0.17 | |
testAddFind | 0.05 | |
testRepositorySerialization | 0.01 | |
testBuildWizard | 0.06 | |
testBeginPage | 0.05 | |
testBuildSingleStepWizard | 0.13 | |
testSerialization | 0.13 | |
testBegin | 0.06 | |
testNext | 0.03 | |
testBackButtonRollback | 0.07 | |
testPrevious | 0.03 | |
testGetResults | 0.12 | |
testGetStepHistory | 0.03 | |
testCombinedExceptionConstructor | 0.00 | |
testDefaultConstructor | 0.00 | |
testMessageConstructor | 0.00 | |
testWrappedExceptionConstructor | 0.00 | |
testTraverseModelWithNoChildRelationNodes | 0.20 | |
testCompletedNodeWithNoChildRelationNodesShouldBeMarkedComplete | 0.10 | |
testTraverseModelWithRelatedNodes | 0.12 | |
testRunAddWizardState | 0.07 | |
testRunAddWizardWithBadParameters | 0.10 | |
testRunCompleteAddState | 0.12 | |
testRunEditWizardState | 0.15 | |
testRunEditWizardStateWithNoStepsDefined | 0.08 | |
testRunCompleteUpdateState | 0.13 | |
testDecisionMatrixWithMultipleUpdates | 0.15 | |
testDecisionMatrixUpdate | 0.20 | |
testDecisionMatrixUpdateWithBadValues | 0.13 | |
testWizardWithFoundNode | 0.11 | |
testWizardWithNoNode | 0.09 | |
testWizardForwardBackForwardBack | 0.11 | |
testCloneTemplate | 0.19 | |
testGetDecisionThatReturnsDecisionSet | 0.08 | |
testDecisionMatrixWithNoResult | 0.08 | |
testDecisionMatrixWithNoPertinentSteps | 0.07 | |
testBadConstructors | 0.07 | |
testBadArgumentRecovery | 0.09 | |
testRunPromptState | 0.01 | |
testRunExportModelState | 0.01 | |
testRunImportModelState | 0.00 | |
testRunPromptExportModelState | 0.01 | |
testRunPromptImportModelState | 0.01 | |
testRunImportModelWithBadInput | 0.00 | |
testBase | 0.01 | |
testGetComment | 0.00 | |
testIsSelected | 0.00 | |
testEquals | 0.00 | |
testHashCode | 0.00 | |
testGetCurrentPageBeforeBeginThrowsIllegalStateException | 0.00 | |
testToString | 0.00 | |
testHashCode | 0.00 | |
testAddError | 0.00 | |
testGetPrintableData | 0.00 | |
testRemoveErrors | 0.00 | |
testEquals | 0.00 | |
testHashCode | 0.00 | |
testToString | 0.00 | |
testGetViewId | 0.00 | |
testIsEntry | 0.00 | |
testPromptTextEntryInputs | 0.29 | |
testPromptTextEntryTransitions | 0.09 | |
testRunDeleteState | 0.12 | |
testRunOrderDownState | 0.11 | |
testRunOrderUpState | 0.11 | |
testRunPromptDeleteState | 0.14 | |
testRunAddCompleteState | 0.08 | |
testRunEditState | 0.21 | |
testHandleRequestNewWizStep | 0.08 | |
testHandleRequestWithExistingWizStep | 0.07 | |
testHandleRequest | 0.08 | |
testNoWizardTypeIdParameterThrowsException | 0.08 | |
testAddSelectionWizardTransitionsToSelectionManager | 0.08 | |
testAddCompletionWizardTransitionsToCompletionManager | 0.07 | |
testNoPermissionToAddCreatesNoAddTransition | 0.09 | |
testRunListState | 0.08 | |
testRunListStateWithNoWizardsDefined | 0.09 | |
testNoWizardIdParameterThrowsException | 0.08 | |
testSelectionWizardEditTransitionsToSelectionManager | 0.10 | |
testCompletionWizardTransitionsToCompletionManager | 0.06 | |
testNoWizardIdParameterThrowsException | 0.08 | |
testPromptDeleteSelectionWizard | 0.08 | |
testDeleteSelectionWizard | 0.09 | |
testNoWizardIdParameterThrowsException | 0.09 | |
testRunWizardTransitionsToWizardAction | 0.09 | |
testIsEditing | 0.09 | |
testHandleNewRequest | 0.07 | |
testHandleEditRequestWithInstructions | 0.07 | |
testHandleEditRequestWithPerModelOptions | 0.07 | |
testConvertToDBObjectHasAdditionalInfo | 0.20 | |
testConvertToDBObjectHasDBObjectSteps | 0.09 | |
testConvertToBeanHasSteps | 0.09 | |
testConversionToBeanMaintainsMinMaxProperties | 0.08 | |
testConversionToDBObjectMaintainsMinMaxProperties | 0.09 | |
testConvertFromDBObjectMaintainsFieldCompletion | 0.09 | |
testConvertToBean | 0.11 | |
testExploratoryWizardEqualsWorks | 0.09 | |
testConvertToDBObject | 0.08 | |
testBeanRoundTripConvert | 0.09 | |
testDBObjectRoundTripConvert | 0.09 | |
testAdd | 0.07 | |
testDelete | 0.09 | |
testFindById | 0.08 | |
testFindInvalidIdThrowsObjectNotFoundException | 0.07 | |
testUpdate | 0.12 | |
testFindByIdWithObjects | 0.10 | |
testFindByIdWithBadObjectThrowsNumberFormatException | 0.07 | |
testIncompletePartsDataMayBeRepaired | 0.11 | |
testBuildWizardStepWithPickListGetsMenu | 0.19 | |
testBuildWizardStepWithFreeEntryGetsTextBox | 0.09 | |
testBuildWizardStepWithRelationsGetsCheckboxes | 0.08 | |
testBuildWizardStepWtihMultipleAttributes | 0.08 | |
testFieldCompletionInModel | 0.09 | |
testGetMaxEntries | 0.00 | |
testGetMinEntries | 0.00 | |
testHasEntry | 0.00 | |
testSetMaxEntries | 0.00 | |
testSetMinEntries | 0.00 | |
testToMemento | 0.08 | |
testFromMemento | 0.08 | |
testMementoIsSerializable | 0.17 | |
testHandleRequest | 0.08 | |
testSessionTimeoutDoesntTransitionToOtherStates | 0.10 | |
testBadInput | 0.16 | |
testInputLoadsNodeData | 0.16 | |
testInputTwiceGetsTwoDifferentNodes | 0.16 | |
testEmptyCompletionBeanIsSerializable | 0.07 | |
testEqualsOnEmptyBeans | 0.07 | |
testHashCodeOnEmptyBeans | 0.07 | |
testLoadNodeId | 0.09 | |
testLoadedIdShouldStillBeSerializable | 0.25 | |
testEqualsOnPopulatedBeans | 0.08 | |
testHashCodeOnPopulatedBeans | 0.08 | |
testListParts | 0.08 | |
testHandleAddRequest | 0.08 | |
testHandleAddRequestGeneratesProperValues | 0.10 | |
testHandleBadMinMaxEntries | 0.08 | |
testHandleUpdateRequest | 0.11 | |
testBeanGetsClearedAfterSave | 0.09 | |
testHandleRequest | 0.01 | |
testWizardFieldClassInheritenceTest | 0.07 | |
testFixtureWizard | 0.07 | |
testDefinedSteps | 0.08 | |
testPertinentSteps | 0.07 | |
testPertinentStepsForWizardWithNone | 0.07 | |
testIllegalPertinentSteps | 0.07 | |
testDeleteWizardDeletesAssociatedObjectsAsWell | 0.08 | |
testGetSetTagValue | 0.00 | |
testGetSetNodeId | 0.00 | |
testGetSetAddedBy | 0.00 | |
testGetSetAddedOn | 0.00 | |
testTreeDeletionSelector | 0.09 | |
testSimpleTree | 0.10 | |
testPartialTreeDeletions | 0.07 | |
testScenarioThree | 0.08 | |
testScenarioFour | 0.07 | |
testExportNodeSql | 0.14 | |
testGenerateAttibuteSql | 0.07 | |
testGenerateRelationTypeSql | 0.11 | |
testPartSql | 0.12 | |
testNodeTypeSql | 0.06 | |
testRelationSql | 0.07 | |
testPicklistSql | 0.07 |