Uses of Interface

Packages that use CreationRepository
com.sri.emo.wizard.creation This package and sub packages provides the implementation of a "Completion Wizard." The completion Wizard takes a given node in the system as a template and allows the user to fill in the appropriate parts to create a new node. This package contains all the classes required to handle the editing and defining of completion wizards. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.persistence This package contains the relevant persistence classes to allow serialization of the completion model to and from an underlying database. 

Uses of CreationRepository in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation

Fields in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation declared as CreationRepository
protected  CreationRepository CreationBuilder.repository
          The completion repository to use for querying the wizard.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation with parameters of type CreationRepository
CreationBuilder(CreationRepository completionRepository)
          Constructs a completion builder.
CreationMementoConverter(CreationRepository completionRepository)
EmoCreationWizardFactory(CreationRepository completionRepository)
          Constructs a given wizard.

Uses of CreationRepository in

Constructors in with parameters of type CreationRepository
DoChooseCriteria(Controller owner, CreationRepository respository, ICreationBeanManager stateBeanManager)
          Constructor that takes the owner controller as a paramter.
PromptEditWizard(Controller stateOwner, CreationRepository repository, ICreationBeanManager stateBeanManager)

Uses of CreationRepository in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.persistence

Classes in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.persistence that implement CreationRepository
 class ExpressoTemplateRepository
          Expresso-specific implementation that converts the completion beans to DBObjects.

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