Uses of Interface

Packages that use WizardPage
com.sri.emo.wizard This package provides framework for wizard creation as well as EMO specific bindings. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.completion This package and sub packages provides the implementation of a "Completion Wizard." The completion Wizard takes a given node in the system as a template and allows the user to fill in the appropriate parts to create a new node. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.creation This package and sub packages provides the implementation of a "Completion Wizard." The completion Wizard takes a given node in the system as a template and allows the user to fill in the appropriate parts to create a new node. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.defaults This package contains default implementations of the interfaces defined in the com.sri.emo.wizard package. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.expressoimpl This directory contains various adapter classes to bridge the Wizard APIs with Expresso. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.selection The selection wizard walks users through steps to determine which node on the system would best suit their needs. 

Uses of WizardPage in com.sri.emo.dbobj

Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj that return WizardPage
 WizardPage WizStep.getWizardPage(EmoWizardMetadata metadata)
          Builds a wizard page given an instance of the metadata.

Uses of WizardPage in com.sri.emo.wizard

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard that return WizardPage
 WizardPage Wizard.backupToPage(Serializable pageId)
          Allows programmatic rewinding to a previous page.
 WizardPage Wizard.begin()
          Retrieve the first wizard page and initialize any special data for the Wizard.
 WizardPage AbstractWizard.begin()
 WizardPage Wizard.getCurrentPage()
          Retrieves a pointer to the current page in the wizard.
 WizardPage AbstractWizard.getCurrentPage()
protected abstract  WizardPage AbstractWizard.getInitialPage()
          Retrieve the initial page defined for the wizard in the sequence.
 WizardPage Wizard.getPageById(Serializable s)
          Retrieve a page by a given id.
 WizardPage src, Serializable newData)
          Execute the next page in the wizard.
abstract  WizardPage src, Serializable newData)
 WizardPage Wizard.previous()
          Retrieve the first wizard page and initialize any special data for the Wizard.
 WizardPage AbstractWizard.previous()
          Backtracks the stack.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard with parameters of type WizardPage
 WizardPage src, Serializable newData)
          Execute the next page in the wizard.
abstract  WizardPage src, Serializable newData)
 void WizardMonitor.onBack(WizardPage src)
          Fired when back id is pressed on a wizard page.
 void WizardMonitor.onCancel(WizardPage src)
          Fired when the cancel button is pressed on a wizard page.
 void WizardMonitor.onEnterPage(WizardPage src)
          Debugging event for when a page is fired.
 void WizardMonitor.onError(WizardPage src, Throwable error)
          Fired when an error occurs while processing the wizard page.
 void WizardMonitor.onFinish(WizardPage src)
          Fired when the finish button is pressed on a wizard page.
 void WizardMonitor.onForward(WizardPage src)
          Fired when forward id pressed on a wizard page.
 Object Wizard.processFinish(WizardPage src, Serializable data, Map additonalParams)
          Processes the final finish and returns some sort of data that can be whatever is desired.
 Object AbstractWizard.processFinish(WizardPage src, Serializable data, Map additonalParams)
          Processes the final finish and returns some sort of data that can be whatever is desired.
protected  void AbstractWizard.setCurrentPage(WizardPage current)
          Set the current page for the wizard.

Uses of WizardPage in com.sri.emo.wizard.branch

Fields in com.sri.emo.wizard.branch declared as WizardPage
(package private)  WizardPage

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.branch that return WizardPage
 WizardPage BranchingWizard.backupToPage(Serializable pageKey)
          Allows programmatic rewinding to a previous page.
protected  WizardPage BranchingWizard.getInitialPage()
          Retrieve the initial page for the wizard.
 WizardPage BranchNode.getPage()
 WizardPage BranchingWizard.getPageById(Serializable s)
          Retrieve a page by a given id.
 WizardPage src, Serializable newData)
          Execute the next page in the wizard.
 WizardPage src, Serializable newData, Serializable allData)
 WizardPage BranchingWizard.previous()
          Backtracks the stack.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.branch with parameters of type WizardPage
 BranchNode BranchList.addConvergingWizardPage(WizardPage page)
 boolean BranchNode.addDefault(WizardPage node)
protected  void BranchList.addDefaultPageToBranches(WizardPage page)
 boolean BranchNode.addNext(String transition, String transitionKey, WizardPage node)
protected  int BranchingWizard.findWizardPageIndex(WizardPage toFind)
          Find the wizard page index so we can define what the next page is.
protected  boolean BranchingWizard.isNeedingRollback(WizardPage src)
          Checks the backtrace for presence of the given wizard page.
 WizardPage src, Serializable newData)
          Execute the next page in the wizard.
 WizardPage src, Serializable newData, Serializable allData)
protected  boolean BranchingWizard.onNextPage(WizardPage previousPage, WizardPage nextPage, Serializable previousPageData)
          Template method that gets called after the next page has been determined in the sequence.
 Object BranchingWizard.processFinish(WizardPage src, Serializable data, Map additonalParams)
          Processes the final finish and returns some sort of data that can be whatever is desired.
protected  void BranchingWizard.rollbackBacktrace(WizardPage src)
          Rolls back the backtrace stack if the src page is already on the stack, indicating that the browser pushed the back button.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.wizard.branch with parameters of type WizardPage
BranchNode(WizardPage page, String transitionKey)

Uses of WizardPage in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion

Classes in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion that implement WizardPage
 class CompletionPartsPage
          The completion parts page represents the special needs of the Completion wizard when it comes to filling out the various parts of the nodes.
 class CustomPartHandlerPage
          Custom Part Handler Page.
 class MultiEntryWizardPage
          Page Entry Data for Multiple Attribute Entry Pages.
 class RelationWizardPage
          Wizard page that handles the selection of various relations available.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion with parameters of type WizardPage
protected  boolean EmoCompletionWizard.onNextPage(WizardPage previousPage, WizardPage nextPage, Serializable previousPageData)
          Override of Sequential's onNextPage to allow for validation of values as they're entered.
 Object EmoCompletionWizard.processFinish(WizardPage src, Serializable data, Map additonalParams)
          This version returns a Node instance if one has been successfully created.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion with parameters of type WizardPage
EmoCompletionWizard(WizardMonitor wizMonitor, WizardPage[] steps)
          Constructs an emo completion wizard.

Uses of WizardPage in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation

Classes in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation that implement WizardPage
 class CreationPartsPage
          The completion parts page represents the special needs of the Completion wizard when it comes to filling out the various parts of the nodes.
 class EmoDebugWizardPage
 class SearchListPage

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation that return WizardPage
 WizardPage EmoCreationWizard.getInitPage()

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation with parameters of type WizardPage
protected  boolean EmoCreationWizardOld.onNextPage(WizardPage previousPage, WizardPage nextPage, Serializable previousPageData)
          Override of Sequential's onNextPage to allow for validation of values as they're entered.
protected  boolean EmoCreationWizard.onNextPage(WizardPage previousPage, WizardPage nextPage, Serializable previousPageData)
          Override of Sequential's onNextPage to allow for validation of values as they're entered.
 Object EmoCreationWizardOld.processFinish(WizardPage src, Serializable data, Map additonalParams)
          This version returns a Node instance if one has been successfully created.
 Object EmoCreationWizard.processFinish(WizardPage src, Serializable data, Map additonalParams)
          This version returns a Node instance if one has been successfully created.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation with parameters of type WizardPage
EmoCreationWizardOld(WizardMonitor wizMonitor, WizardPage[] steps)
          Constructs an emo completion wizard.

Uses of WizardPage in com.sri.emo.wizard.defaults

Classes in com.sri.emo.wizard.defaults that implement WizardPage
 class EmoWizardPage
          Wizard Page implementation for Emo.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.defaults that return WizardPage
 WizardPage SequentialWizard.backupToPage(Serializable pageKey)
          Allows programmatic rewinding to a previous page.
protected  WizardPage[] SequentialWizard.getAllSteps()
          Retrieve all the steps for the wizard.
protected  WizardPage SequentialWizard.getInitialPage()
          Retrieve the initial page for the wizard.
 WizardPage SequentialWizard.getPageById(Serializable s)
          Retrieve a page by a given id.
 WizardPage src, Serializable newData)
          Execute the next page in the wizard.
 WizardPage SequentialWizard.previous()
          Backtracks the stack.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.defaults with parameters of type WizardPage
protected  void SequentialWizard.checkAgainstIllegalJump(WizardPage src)
          Checks that there were no illegally jumping forward moves caused by parameter manipulation.
protected  int SequentialWizard.findWizardPageIndex(WizardPage toFind)
          Find the wizard page index so we can define what the next page is.
protected  boolean SequentialWizard.isNeedingRollback(WizardPage src)
          Checks the backtrace for presence of the given wizard page.
 WizardPage src, Serializable newData)
          Execute the next page in the wizard.
 void Log4jWizMonitor.onBack(WizardPage src)
          Logs with debug priority the source event toString().
 void Log4jWizMonitor.onCancel(WizardPage src)
          Logs with info priority the source event toString().
 void Log4jWizMonitor.onEnterPage(WizardPage src)
          Logs with debug priority the source event toString().
 void Log4jWizMonitor.onError(WizardPage src, Throwable error)
          Logs with error priority the source event toString() and the exception.
 void Log4jWizMonitor.onFinish(WizardPage src)
          Logs with debug priority the source event toString().
 void Log4jWizMonitor.onForward(WizardPage src)
          Logs with debug priority the source event toString().
protected  boolean SequentialWizard.onNextPage(WizardPage previousPage, WizardPage nextPage, Serializable previousPageData)
          Template method that gets called after the next page has been determined in the sequence.
 Object SequentialWizard.processFinish(WizardPage src, Serializable data, Map additonalParams)
          Processes the final finish and returns some sort of data that can be whatever is desired.
protected  void SequentialWizard.rollbackBacktrace(WizardPage src)
          Rolls back the backtrace stack if the src page is already on the stack, indicating that the browser pushed the back button.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.wizard.defaults with parameters of type WizardPage
SequentialWizard(WizardMonitor wizMonitor, WizardPage[] steps)
          Constructor that takes a monitor and an array of steps.

Uses of WizardPage in com.sri.emo.wizard.expressoimpl

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.expressoimpl that return WizardPage
 WizardPage WizardController.getCurrentPage(ExpressoRequest request, Wizard currentWizard)
          Retrieves the current page as set in the displayed page.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.expressoimpl with parameters of type WizardPage
protected  boolean WizardController.hasNoDataEntryAndShould(Object data, WizardPage currentPage)
          Function that allows for consistent checking for whether data was entered.

Uses of WizardPage in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection

Classes in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection that implement WizardPage
 class DisplaySummaryPage
          Page that displays the selected node and the choices that lead to that choice.
 class NameNodePage
          Handles the execution of the decision matrix to find a wizard node and then provides a prompt to name the given wizard.

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection with parameters of type WizardPage
protected  boolean EmoSelectionWizard.onNextPage(WizardPage previousPage, WizardPage nextPage, Serializable previousPageData)
          This particular implementation performs some pre-processing for some special pages.
 Object EmoSelectionWizard.processFinish(WizardPage src, Serializable data, Map additionalParams)
          This version returns a Node instance if one has been found.
 Object ChainedSelectionWizard.processFinish(WizardPage src, Serializable data, Map additionalParams)
          Overrides the normal EmoSelectionWizard processing by cloning the node myself and then either redirecting to an appropriate completion wizard and

Constructors in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection with parameters of type WizardPage
ChainedSelectionWizard(WizardMonitor wizMonitor, WizardPage[] steps)
          Constructs a chained selection wizard.
EmoSelectionWizard(WizardMonitor wizMonitor, WizardPage[] steps)
          Constructor that the Wizard Factory uses to instantiate the sequential wizard.

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