Uses of Class

Packages that use WizStep This package contains all classes related to editing Selection Wizard Steps. 

Uses of WizStep in

Methods in that return WizStep
protected  WizStep StepDefinition.getStep()
          Retrieve the current step.
protected  WizStep AbstractStepHandler.getStep()
          Retreieves the step based on the id given to us.
protected  WizStep AbstractStepHandler.getStepFromParameters(ExpressoRequest request, ErrorCollection ec)
          Function that delegates to the StepParameterParser class.
 WizStep StepParameterParser.parseAndValidate(ErrorCollection ec)
          Similar to parseStep, but it validates as well.
 WizStep StepParameterParser.parseStep(ErrorCollection ec)
          Returns a wizard step instance based on the parameters set in the constructor.
protected  WizStep WizardStepController.retrieveWizStep(ExpressoRequest request)
          Helper function to retrieve the WizStep object from the controller request.

Methods in with parameters of type WizStep
protected  void EditFinalState.addStepTypeLabel(ExpressoResponse response, WizStep step)
          Creates output for the text label of what type of step we're dealing with.
protected  Transition EditFinalState.buildEditTypeTransition(WizStep stepDefinition)
          Constructs a transition that determines the 'step type'.
protected  Transition EditFinalState.buildSaveAndReturnTransition(WizStep step)
          Constructs the 'save and return' transition.
protected  void WizardStepController.redirectAfterSave(ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response, WizStep step)
          Redirects to the list wizard state when a save of a step is complete.
protected  Block EditFinalState.renderCommonControls(WizStep stepDefinition, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Renders the controls that are common to each of the 'last definition' steps.

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