Uses of Class

Packages that use Node
com.sri.emo.controller This package contains controller classes for the modelling program. 
com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree This package allows assembling of Emo nodes into a tree hierarchy where related nodes, attributes, parts, etc are loaded into this tree. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.completion This package and sub packages provides the implementation of a "Completion Wizard." The completion Wizard takes a given node in the system as a template and allows the user to fill in the appropriate parts to create a new node. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.model Underlying model for completion Wizard. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence This package contains the relevant persistence classes to allow serialization of the completion model to and from an underlying database. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model Underlying model for completion Wizard. 
com.sri.emo.wizard.selection The selection wizard walks users through steps to determine which node on the system would best suit their needs. 

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.annotations

Methods in com.sri.emo.annotations that return Node
 Node[] NodeTag.getTaggedNodes()

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.commandline

Methods in com.sri.emo.commandline with parameters of type Node
 int TreeExporter.exportNodeTree(PrintWriter output, Node baseNode)
          Exports the given node and all related objecst to the given output stream.

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults

Methods in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults that return Node
 Node DependentNodesNotTaggedException.getSingleDependentNode()

Methods in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults with parameters of type Node
 int AbstractNodeExportSupport.exportAttributes(PrintWriter writer, Node owner)
 int DefaultTreeExporter.exportNode(PrintWriter writer, Node node)
          Exports a node and all of its related attributes, security settings, and relations.
protected  int AbstractNodeExportSupport.exportNodeTags(PrintWriter writer, Node node)
 int DefaultTreeExporter.exportNodeTree(PrintWriter writer, Node baseNode)
 int AbstractNodeExportSupport.exportRelations(PrintWriter writer, Node owner)
          This function exports the relations where the parameter owner is the SOURCE.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults with parameters of type Node
DependentNodesNotTaggedException(WizDefinition wizardDefinition, Node dependentNode)
DependentNodesNotTaggedException(WizDefinition wizardDefinition, Node[] missingNodes)

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.controller

Fields in com.sri.emo.controller declared as Node
(package private)  Node NodeCloner.src

Methods in com.sri.emo.controller that return Node
 Node NodeCloner.cloneAsOrphan(ErrorCollection validationErrors)
 Node NodeCloner.cloneAsSibling(ErrorCollection validationErrors)
static Node NodeAction.getNode(ExpressoRequest request)
static Node NodeAction.getNode(ExpressoRequest request, String nodeId)

Methods in com.sri.emo.controller with parameters of type Node
static void AddNodeAction.addTags(Node queryNode, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Grabs all node tags and drops them into a request attribute called 'NodeTags' that the JSP can modify.
 Map ModelXMLReader.createNodesFromXml(boolean isFindAllIds, boolean isExternalRefRequired, List relatedNodes, List referenceNodes, Node rootnode, ExpressoRequest request, org.dom4j.Element root, List pickLists)
static void AddNodeAction.deleteAttributes(List attribsLeftOver, Node srcNode)
static void AddNodeAction.deleteJoinedRelations(List relLeftOver, Node srcNode)
protected  Block AddNodeAction.getAttributeOutputBlock(Node node, ExpressoRequest request, Part part, boolean canEdit, List attribs)
          Utility to create an output block for a given attribute part.
protected  Block AddNodeAction.getBlock(Node node, ExpressoRequest request, Part part, boolean canEdit, List attribs, List relatedNodes)
 Attribute NodeAction.getRepAttribute(Attribute[] attribs, Node node, String attribName)
static Attribute NodeAction.getRepAttribute(List attribs, Node node, String attribName)
protected  Block AddNodeAction.getSharedNodeBlock(Node node, ExpressoRequest request, Part part, boolean canEdit, List relatedNodes)
          Utility to create an output block for a given shared node part.
 void NodeAction.list(Node samplenode, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          List all nodes of type indicated by samplenode.
 void ModelXMLReader.parseAndAddNodes(boolean isExternalRefRequired, ExpressoRequest request, HashMap allNodesByXML_ID, Node rootnode, List pickListElements)
 org.dom4j.Document ModelXMLWriter.renderNodeAsXml(Node querynode, ExpressoRequest request)
          Converts a particular node to XML.
 org.dom4j.Element[] ModelXMLWriter.renderNodesAsXml(Node[] allNodes, ExpressoRequest request)
          Similar to the above list, but renders an array of XML nodes in succession to the resulting document.
 void AddNodeAction.view(Node querynode, ExpressoRequest request, ExpressoResponse response)
          Views a given node.
 void TreeViewVisitor.visitNode(Node dataNode)
          Visits a Node.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.controller with parameters of type Node
NodeCloner(Node sourceNode, String newTitle)
TreeViewFactory(Node rootNode, ExpressoResponse response, int maxNestingLevels)
          Constructs a tree view factory.
ViewNodeAsTree(Node nodeToRender)
          Constructor that takes the node to render as a parameter.

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.controller.nodefilter

Methods in com.sri.emo.controller.nodefilter with parameters of type Node
 void NodeFilter.addFiltersToMulti(MultiDBObject multi, Node samplenode)
          add any filters to the multiDBObject supplied.
 void NodeFilter.addLasteditorFilter(Node samplenode)
          add filtering for last editor
 MultiDBObject NodeFilter.getMulti(Node samplenode)

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.dbobj

Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj that return Node
 Node Node.cloneOrphan(String title)
          Create clone which copies all EXCEPT "upstream" links.
 Node Node.cloneSibling(String title)
          Creates and returns a deep copy of this object--everything, including links to "contained by" objects above this one.
 Node Node.cloneTree(String suffix, HashMap itemInfo)
          Recursively clone contained tree beneath this node, including this node.
 Node WizDecisionSet.getDecisionNode()
          Retrieves the node associated with this decision set.
 Node Relation.getDestNode()
protected  Node AbstractMatrixHandler.getOrigOV(Node[] ovs, Map allNodesByXML_ID)
 Node Attribute.getParentNode()
 Node[] Node.getRelatedNodes(String relation, String typeOfPart)
 Node Setting.getSettingTarget()
          will throw if not found
 Node ISetting.getSettingTarget()
 Node[] Node.getShallowContainedNodes(String type, ExpressoRequest request)
          Find nodes contained just beneath this one.
protected static Node AbstractMatrixHandler.getSMV_fromXML(String smvID, Map allNodesByXML_ID, org.dom4j.Element elem, ControllerRequest request)
 Node MatrixCell.getSMV()
          will throw if SMV not found
 Node MatrixCell.getSMV(ControllerRequest request)
          will throw if SMV not found
 Node Relation.getSrcNode()
 Node[] Node.getStronglyRelatedNodes()
          get all nodes that have this node as 'src' for some strong relation

Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj with parameters of type Node
static Attribute AbstractMatrixHandler.createAttrib(Node node, String type)
          Important: we use the ID of the owner of the node in order to add an attribute here.
 Attribute AbstractMatrixHandler.getAttribute(Node node)
          find single attribute, warning if > 1 are found.
protected abstract  Object[] AbstractMatrixHandler.getColumnObjects(Node node)
 MatrixCell[][] AbstractMatrixHandler.getMatrix(Node matrixOwnerNode)
          get matrix, creating it from scratch if necessary
protected  Node AbstractMatrixHandler.getOrigOV(Node[] ovs, Map allNodesByXML_ID)
protected  Comparator AbstractMatrixHandler.getRowComparator(Node node)
          ASSUMES that rows are nodes.
protected abstract  Object[] AbstractMatrixHandler.getRowObjects(Node node)
 void INodeHandler.init(Node node)
          Add special initialization for this type of object; called after a Node object of this type is added.
 void INodeHandler.list(Node samplenode, AbstractDBController action, ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response)
          List all nodes of type indicated by samplenode.
 void Attribute.setParentNode(Node node)
 void INodeHandler.view(Node node, AbstractDBController defaultaction, ControllerRequest request, ControllerResponse response)
          View the node.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.dbobj with parameters of type Node
Attribute(Node parent)
          attribute for this parent
NodeRowIdOrderingComparator(Node[] ordering)

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree

Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree with parameters of type Node
 void ModelVisitor.visitNode(Node node)
          Visits a Node.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree with parameters of type Node
DefaultModelFactory(Node rootNode, ExpressoResponse response, int maxNestingLevels)
          Constructs a Default Model Factory.

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree

Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree that return Node
 Node[] TagSelectionFactory.getTaggedNodes()
          Get nodes in with given tag.

Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree with parameters of type Node
 void TreeDeletionSelector.determineDeletionTree(Node rootToDelete, Collection toSave, Collection toDelete)
          After step 1 is completed (see class-level javadoc), this function performs the remaining deletion steps.
static void TreeSelectionFactory.getNodesInStronglyRelatedTreeRecursive(Node currentNode, Map outputMap)
          Handles the recursive traversal through related nodes in a tree.

Constructors in com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree with parameters of type Node
TreeSelectionFactory(Node root)
          Construct a TreeSelectionFactory given the root ndoe.

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion that return Node
 Node EmoCompletionWizard.getTargetNode()

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.model

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.model that return Node
 Node CompletionBean.getCurrentNode()
          Retrieve the currently set node.

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence that return Node
 Node CompletionDefinition.getTargetNode()
          Retrieve the associated target node.

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model

Fields in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model declared as Node
(package private)  Node SearchNode.node

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model that return Node
 Node CreationBean.getCurrentNode()
          Retrieve the currently set node.
 Node SearchNode.getNode()

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model with parameters of type Node
 void SearchNode.setNode(Node node)

Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection

Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection that return Node
 Node NameNodePage.getSelectedNode()
 Node DisplaySummaryPage.getSelectedNode()
          Runs the previous step history through the Decision Matrix to

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