Packages that use Node | |
com.sri.emo.annotations | |
com.sri.emo.commandline | |
com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults | |
com.sri.emo.controller | This package contains controller classes for the modelling program. |
com.sri.emo.controller.nodefilter | |
com.sri.emo.dbobj | |
com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree | This package allows assembling of Emo nodes into a tree hierarchy where related nodes, attributes, parts, etc are loaded into this tree. |
com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree | |
com.sri.emo.wizard.completion | This package and sub packages provides the implementation of a "Completion Wizard." The completion Wizard takes a given node in the system as a template and allows the user to fill in the appropriate parts to create a new node. |
com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.model | Underlying model for completion Wizard. |
com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence | This package contains the relevant persistence classes to allow serialization of the completion model to and from an underlying database. |
com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model | Underlying model for completion Wizard. |
com.sri.emo.wizard.selection | The selection wizard walks users through steps to determine which node on the system would best suit their needs. |
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.annotations |
Methods in com.sri.emo.annotations that return Node | |
Node[] |
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.commandline |
Methods in com.sri.emo.commandline with parameters of type Node | |
int |
TreeExporter.exportNodeTree(PrintWriter output,
Node baseNode)
Exports the given node and all related objecst to the given output stream. |
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults |
Methods in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults that return Node | |
Node |
Methods in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults with parameters of type Node | |
int |
AbstractNodeExportSupport.exportAttributes(PrintWriter writer,
Node owner)
int |
DefaultTreeExporter.exportNode(PrintWriter writer,
Node node)
Exports a node and all of its related attributes, security settings, and relations. |
protected int |
AbstractNodeExportSupport.exportNodeTags(PrintWriter writer,
Node node)
int |
DefaultTreeExporter.exportNodeTree(PrintWriter writer,
Node baseNode)
int |
AbstractNodeExportSupport.exportRelations(PrintWriter writer,
Node owner)
This function exports the relations where the parameter owner is the SOURCE. |
Constructors in com.sri.emo.commandline.defaults with parameters of type Node | |
DependentNodesNotTaggedException(WizDefinition wizardDefinition,
Node dependentNode)
DependentNodesNotTaggedException(WizDefinition wizardDefinition,
Node[] missingNodes)
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.controller |
Fields in com.sri.emo.controller declared as Node | |
(package private) Node |
Methods in com.sri.emo.controller that return Node | |
Node |
NodeCloner.cloneAsOrphan(ErrorCollection validationErrors)
Node |
NodeCloner.cloneAsSibling(ErrorCollection validationErrors)
static Node |
NodeAction.getNode(ExpressoRequest request)
static Node |
NodeAction.getNode(ExpressoRequest request,
String nodeId)
Methods in com.sri.emo.controller with parameters of type Node | |
static void |
AddNodeAction.addTags(Node queryNode,
ExpressoRequest request,
ExpressoResponse response)
Grabs all node tags and drops them into a request attribute called 'NodeTags' that the JSP can modify. |
Map |
ModelXMLReader.createNodesFromXml(boolean isFindAllIds,
boolean isExternalRefRequired,
List relatedNodes,
List referenceNodes,
Node rootnode,
ExpressoRequest request,
org.dom4j.Element root,
List pickLists)
static void |
AddNodeAction.deleteAttributes(List attribsLeftOver,
Node srcNode)
static void |
AddNodeAction.deleteJoinedRelations(List relLeftOver,
Node srcNode)
protected Block |
AddNodeAction.getAttributeOutputBlock(Node node,
ExpressoRequest request,
Part part,
boolean canEdit,
List attribs)
Utility to create an output block for a given attribute part. |
protected Block |
AddNodeAction.getBlock(Node node,
ExpressoRequest request,
Part part,
boolean canEdit,
List attribs,
List relatedNodes)
Attribute |
NodeAction.getRepAttribute(Attribute[] attribs,
Node node,
String attribName)
static Attribute |
NodeAction.getRepAttribute(List attribs,
Node node,
String attribName)
protected Block |
AddNodeAction.getSharedNodeBlock(Node node,
ExpressoRequest request,
Part part,
boolean canEdit,
List relatedNodes)
Utility to create an output block for a given shared node part. |
void |
NodeAction.list(Node samplenode,
ExpressoRequest request,
ExpressoResponse response)
List all nodes of type indicated by samplenode. |
void |
ModelXMLReader.parseAndAddNodes(boolean isExternalRefRequired,
ExpressoRequest request,
HashMap allNodesByXML_ID,
Node rootnode,
List pickListElements)
org.dom4j.Document |
ModelXMLWriter.renderNodeAsXml(Node querynode,
ExpressoRequest request)
Converts a particular node to XML. |
org.dom4j.Element[] |
ModelXMLWriter.renderNodesAsXml(Node[] allNodes,
ExpressoRequest request)
Similar to the above list, but renders an array of XML nodes in succession to the resulting document. |
void |
AddNodeAction.view(Node querynode,
ExpressoRequest request,
ExpressoResponse response)
Views a given node. |
void |
TreeViewVisitor.visitNode(Node dataNode)
Visits a Node. |
Constructors in com.sri.emo.controller with parameters of type Node | |
NodeCloner(Node sourceNode,
String newTitle)
TreeViewFactory(Node rootNode,
ExpressoResponse response,
int maxNestingLevels)
Constructs a tree view factory. |
ViewNodeAsTree(Node nodeToRender)
Constructor that takes the node to render as a parameter. |
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.controller.nodefilter |
Methods in com.sri.emo.controller.nodefilter with parameters of type Node | |
void |
NodeFilter.addFiltersToMulti(MultiDBObject multi,
Node samplenode)
add any filters to the multiDBObject supplied. |
void |
NodeFilter.addLasteditorFilter(Node samplenode)
add filtering for last editor |
MultiDBObject |
NodeFilter.getMulti(Node samplenode)
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.dbobj |
Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj that return Node | |
Node |
Node.cloneOrphan(String title)
Create clone which copies all EXCEPT "upstream" links. |
Node |
Node.cloneSibling(String title)
Creates and returns a deep copy of this object--everything, including links to "contained by" objects above this one. |
Node |
Node.cloneTree(String suffix,
HashMap itemInfo)
Recursively clone contained tree beneath this node, including this node. |
Node |
Retrieves the node associated with this decision set. |
Node |
protected Node |
AbstractMatrixHandler.getOrigOV(Node[] ovs,
Map allNodesByXML_ID)
Node |
Node[] |
Node.getRelatedNodes(String relation,
String typeOfPart)
Node |
will throw if not found |
Node |
Node[] |
Node.getShallowContainedNodes(String type,
ExpressoRequest request)
Find nodes contained just beneath this one. |
protected static Node |
AbstractMatrixHandler.getSMV_fromXML(String smvID,
Map allNodesByXML_ID,
org.dom4j.Element elem,
ControllerRequest request)
Node |
will throw if SMV not found |
Node |
MatrixCell.getSMV(ControllerRequest request)
will throw if SMV not found |
Node |
Node[] |
get all nodes that have this node as 'src' for some strong relation |
Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj with parameters of type Node | |
static Attribute |
AbstractMatrixHandler.createAttrib(Node node,
String type)
Important: we use the ID of the owner of the node in order to add an attribute here. |
Attribute |
AbstractMatrixHandler.getAttribute(Node node)
find single attribute, warning if > 1 are found. |
protected abstract Object[] |
AbstractMatrixHandler.getColumnObjects(Node node)
MatrixCell[][] |
AbstractMatrixHandler.getMatrix(Node matrixOwnerNode)
get matrix, creating it from scratch if necessary |
protected Node |
AbstractMatrixHandler.getOrigOV(Node[] ovs,
Map allNodesByXML_ID)
protected Comparator |
AbstractMatrixHandler.getRowComparator(Node node)
ASSUMES that rows are nodes. |
protected abstract Object[] |
AbstractMatrixHandler.getRowObjects(Node node)
void |
INodeHandler.init(Node node)
Add special initialization for this type of object; called after a Node object of this type is added. |
void |
INodeHandler.list(Node samplenode,
AbstractDBController action,
ControllerRequest request,
ControllerResponse response)
List all nodes of type indicated by samplenode. |
void |
Attribute.setParentNode(Node node)
void |
INodeHandler.view(Node node,
AbstractDBController defaultaction,
ControllerRequest request,
ControllerResponse response)
View the node. |
Constructors in com.sri.emo.dbobj with parameters of type Node | |
Attribute(Node parent)
attribute for this parent |
NodeRowIdOrderingComparator(Node[] ordering)
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree |
Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree with parameters of type Node | |
void |
ModelVisitor.visitNode(Node node)
Visits a Node. |
Constructors in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree with parameters of type Node | |
DefaultModelFactory(Node rootNode,
ExpressoResponse response,
int maxNestingLevels)
Constructs a Default Model Factory. |
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree |
Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree that return Node | |
Node[] |
Get nodes in with given tag. |
Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree with parameters of type Node | |
void |
TreeDeletionSelector.determineDeletionTree(Node rootToDelete,
Collection toSave,
Collection toDelete)
After step 1 is completed (see class-level javadoc), this function performs the remaining deletion steps. |
static void |
TreeSelectionFactory.getNodesInStronglyRelatedTreeRecursive(Node currentNode,
Map outputMap)
Handles the recursive traversal through related nodes in a tree. |
Constructors in com.sri.emo.dbobj.selectiontree with parameters of type Node | |
TreeSelectionFactory(Node root)
Construct a TreeSelectionFactory given the root ndoe. |
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion |
Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion that return Node | |
Node |
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.model |
Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.model that return Node | |
Node |
Retrieve the currently set node. |
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence |
Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.completion.persistence that return Node | |
Node |
Retrieve the associated target node. |
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model |
Fields in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model declared as Node | |
(package private) Node |
Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model that return Node | |
Node |
Retrieve the currently set node. |
Node |
Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model with parameters of type Node | |
void |
SearchNode.setNode(Node node)
Uses of Node in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection |
Methods in com.sri.emo.wizard.selection that return Node | |
Node |
Node |
Runs the previous step history through the Decision Matrix to |