Packages that use Attribute | |
com.sri.emo.controller | This package contains controller classes for the modelling program. |
com.sri.emo.controller.nodefilter | |
com.sri.emo.dbobj | |
com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree | This package allows assembling of Emo nodes into a tree hierarchy where related nodes, attributes, parts, etc are loaded into this tree. |
Uses of Attribute in com.sri.emo.controller |
Methods in com.sri.emo.controller that return Attribute | |
Attribute |
NodeAction.getRepAttribute(Attribute[] attribs,
Node node,
String attribName)
static Attribute |
NodeAction.getRepAttribute(List attribs,
Node node,
String attribName)
protected Attribute |
NodeAction.saveAttribute(ExpressoRequest request,
int setNum)
Write changes in attribute to DB. |
Methods in com.sri.emo.controller with parameters of type Attribute | |
protected Block |
NodeAction.getAttributeInputBlock(Attribute[] attribs,
Part part,
ExpressoRequest request,
boolean readOnly)
Utility to create an input block for a given attribute part. |
Attribute |
NodeAction.getRepAttribute(Attribute[] attribs,
Node node,
String attribName)
void |
TreeViewVisitor.visitAttribute(Attribute dataAttribute)
Visits an attribute. |
Uses of Attribute in com.sri.emo.controller.nodefilter |
Methods in com.sri.emo.controller.nodefilter that return Attribute | |
Attribute |
attribute filtering involves some field of an attribute associated with a given node |
Uses of Attribute in com.sri.emo.dbobj |
Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj that return Attribute | |
Attribute |
Node.addAttribute(String attribType,
String value,
String comment)
Adds a new attribute to be associated with this node. |
Attribute |
Attribute.clone(String cloneNodeId)
deep copy fields to new attribute into attribute which attaches to node with given ID; expects fully saved Attribute (with ID) as source. |
Attribute |
Attribute.clone(String cloneNodeId,
String destAttribType)
deep copy fields to new attribute into attribute which attaches to node with given ID; expects fully saved Attribute (with ID) as source. |
static Attribute |
AbstractMatrixHandler.createAttrib(Node node,
String type)
Important: we use the ID of the owner of the node in order to add an attribute here. |
Attribute |
MatrixCell.getAttrib(ControllerRequest request)
Attribute |
AbstractMatrixHandler.getAttribute(Node node)
find single attribute, warning if > 1 are found. |
Attribute[] |
Node.getAttributes(String attribType)
Fetch any attributes of this node, of this type, in alpha order by value. |
Attribute[] |
Node.getAttributesAssumeSecure(String attribType)
Fetch any attributes of this node, of this type, in alpha order by value, using System ID to speed recall w/o permissions check. |
Attribute |
will throw if OV Category not found |
Attribute |
Attribute |
Node.updateAttribute(String attributeId,
String value,
String comment)
Saves an attributes for the node, touching the node as necessary, etc. |
Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj with parameters of type Attribute | |
void |
IPartHandler.addXML(Attribute attrib,
org.dom4j.Element root,
ControllerRequest request)
Add any necessary xml attributes and elements to root for this attribute. |
org.dom4j.Element |
AbstractSettingHandler.addXML(Attribute attrib,
org.dom4j.Element root,
String typeName,
ControllerRequest request)
void |
IPartHandler.clone(Attribute existing,
Attribute clone)
Clone data from existing to clone. |
void |
AbstractSettingHandler.clone(Attribute existing,
Attribute clone)
clone data from existing to clone |
void |
AbstractMatrixHandler.clone(Attribute existing,
Attribute clone)
clone data from existing to clone |
protected abstract MatrixCell[] |
AbstractMatrixHandler.createColumn(Attribute attrib,
String colId,
Object[] columns,
Object[] rows)
void |
IPartHandler.delete(Attribute attribute)
Delete a part. |
void |
AbstractSettingHandler.delete(Attribute attribute)
void |
AbstractMatrixHandler.delete(Attribute attribute)
void |
IPartHandler.parseXML(org.dom4j.Element elem,
Attribute attrib,
Map allNodeMap,
ControllerRequest request)
Parse xml into this attribute format. |
void |
AbstractSettingHandler.parseXML(org.dom4j.Element elem,
Attribute attrib,
Map allNodesByXML_ID,
ControllerRequest request)
void |
AbstractAttributeHandler.setParentAttrib(Attribute parentAttrib)
protected void |
AbstractMatrixHandler.validateMatrix(HashMap colHashInNeedOfValidation,
Attribute attrib,
Object[] columns,
Object[] rowObjects)
note: this call is done as 'validate' (which any reader can do), so it uses superuser priv. |
Constructors in com.sri.emo.dbobj with parameters of type Attribute | |
MatrixCell(Attribute attrib,
String columnId,
int rowId,
String value)
constructor for new cell |
Uses of Attribute in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree |
Methods in com.sri.emo.dbobj.model_tree with parameters of type Attribute | |
void |
ModelVisitor.visitAttribute(Attribute attribute)
Visits an attribute. |