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1   /* ===================================================================
2    * Copyright 2002-05 SRI International.
3    * Released under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1
4    * which can be obtained at
5    * This software is distributed on an "AS IS"
6    * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
7    * See the License for the specific language governing rights and
8    * limitations under the License.
9    * =================================================================== */
11  package com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.persistence;
13  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.controller.ErrorCollection;
14  import com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBException;
15  import com.sri.common.dbobj.RepositoryConversionException;
16  import com.sri.emo.controller.CreationWizardAction;
17  import com.sri.emo.dbobj.WizDefinition;
18  import com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.EmoCreationWizardFactory;
19  import;
20  import com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model.CreationBeans;
21  import com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model.CreationPartsBean;
22  import com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model.FieldCompletion;
24  import java.util.Iterator;
25  import java.util.List;
26  import java.util.*;
27  import com.sri.emo.wizard.creation.model.*;
29  /***
30   * @author Michael Rimov
31   */
32  public class CreationDBObjConverterImpl implements CreationDBObjConverter {
35      /***
36       * Default constructor.
37       */
38      public CreationDBObjConverterImpl() {
39      }
41      /***
42       * Converts a wizard definition to a completion bean.
43       *
44       * @param source WizDefinition
45       * @return CompletionBean
46       * @throws RepositoryConversionException upon generic conversion error.
47       */
48      public CreationBeans convertToBean(final com.sri.emo.dbobj.WizDefinition source) throws
49              RepositoryConversionException {
50          try {
51              System.out.println("CreationDBObjConverterImpl.convertToBean("+source+")");
52              CreationDefinition associatedData = (CreationDefinition) source.getAdditionalInfo();
54              //Transfer the bean-side information.
55              CreationBeans cb = new CreationBeans();
56              if (source.getId() != null && source.getId().length() > 0) {
57                  cb.setWizardId(new Integer(source.getId()));
58              }
60              cb.setSummary(source.getSummaryRaw());
61              cb.setSummaryNonRaw(source.getSummary());
62              cb.setWizardClass(source.getWizardClass());
63              cb.setWizardTitle(source.getWizName());
65              ErrorCollection ec = new ErrorCollection();
66              System.out.println("associatedData.getTargetNodeId() = " + associatedData.getTargetNodeId());
68              StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(associatedData.getTargetNodeId(), ",");
69              int numBeans = tokenizer.countTokens()/2;
70              for(int b = 0; b < numBeans; b++){
71                  CreationBean bean = new CreationBean();
72                  String partIdStr = tokenizer.nextToken();
73                  if(!partIdStr.equals("null")){
74                      int partId = Integer.parseInt(partIdStr);
75                      bean.setPartId(partId);
76                  }
77                  int targetId = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken());
78                  bean.setTargetId(targetId);
79                  bean.initializeFromNodeId(ec);
80                  cb.add(bean);
82                  if (ec.size() > 0) {
83                      String errorStrings[] = ec.getErrorStrings();
84                      boolean needComma = false;
85                      StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
86                      for (int i = 0; i < errorStrings.length; i++) {
87                          if (needComma) {
88                              buffer.append(", ");
89                          } else {
90                              needComma = true;
91                          }
93                          buffer.append(errorStrings[i]);
94                      }
96                      throw new RepositoryConversionException(
97                              "There were errors initializing completion wizard data: "
98                              + buffer.toString());
99                  }
100 //            cb.setTargetId(associatedData.getTargetNodeId());
103 //            System.out.println("TemplateDBObjConverterImpl.convertToBean()");
104 //            cb.initializeFromNodeId(ec);
107                 List definitionFields = associatedData.getCompletionDetails();
108                 for (Iterator i = definitionFields.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
109                     CreationDetails eachDetail = (CreationDetails);
110                     if(!bean.hasPartsBeanFromPart(eachDetail.getPart())){
111                         //continue with another detail because this one isn't
112                         //a part of this creationBean
113                         continue;
114                     }
115                         CreationPartsBean onePartBean = bean.
116                                 getPartsBeanFromPart(
117                                         eachDetail.getPart());
119                     onePartBean.setDirective(eachDetail.getField(
120                             CreationDetails.FLD_DIRECTIVE));
121                     onePartBean.setHelpText(eachDetail.getField(CreationDetails.
122                             FLD_HELPTEXT));
124                     //added by rich
125                     onePartBean.setCreateText(eachDetail.getField(
126                             CreationDetails.FLD_CREATE_TXT));
127                     onePartBean.setBrowseText(eachDetail.getField(
128                             CreationDetails.FLD_BROWSE_TXT));
129                     onePartBean.setSearchText(eachDetail.getField(
130                             CreationDetails.FLD_SEARCH_TXT));
131                     //added by rich
132                     if ("Y".equals(eachDetail.getField(CreationDetails.
133                             FLD_CREATE))) {
134                         onePartBean.setCreate(true);
135                     }
136                     if ("Y".equals(eachDetail.getField(CreationDetails.
137                             FLD_BROWSE))) {
138                         onePartBean.setBrowse(true);
139                     }
140                     if ("Y".equals(eachDetail.getField(CreationDetails.
141                             FLD_SEARCH))) {
142                         onePartBean.setSearch(true);
143                     }
144                     if ("Y".equals(eachDetail.getField(CreationDetails.
145                             FLD_REQUIRED))) {
146                         onePartBean.setRequired(true);
147                     }
148                     String completionType = eachDetail.getField(CreationDetails.
149                             FLD_COMPLETION);
151                     if (completionType.equals(FieldCompletion.WIZARD.toString())) {
152                         onePartBean.setFieldCompletion(FieldCompletion.WIZARD);
153                     } else if (completionType.equals(FieldCompletion.
154                             NOT_INCLUDED.toString())) {
155                         onePartBean.setFieldCompletion(FieldCompletion.
156                                 NOT_INCLUDED);
157                     } else {
158                         throw new RepositoryConversionException(
159                                 "Unable to determine field completion type for value: "
160                                 + completionType +
161                                 getLocationForErrorMessage(bean, cb, onePartBean));
162                     }
164 //                if (!eachDetail.getDataField(CompletionDetails.FLD_FREETEXT).isNull()) {
165 //                    onePartBean.setFreeTextEntry(convertFieldToBoolean(cb, onePartBean, eachDetail,
166 //                            CompletionDetails.FLD_FREETEXT));
167 //                }
169                     onePartBean.setMaxEntries(eachDetail.getFieldInt(
170                             CreationDetails.FLD_MAX_ENTRIES));
171                     onePartBean.setMinEntries(eachDetail.getFieldInt(
172                             CreationDetails.FLD_MIN_ENTRIES));
174                     if ((!eachDetail.getDataField(CreationDetails.
175                                                   FLD_SINGLE_ENTRY).isNull())) {
176                         onePartBean.setSingleEntry(convertFieldToBoolean(bean, cb,
177                                 onePartBean, eachDetail,
178                                 CreationDetails.FLD_SINGLE_ENTRY));
179                     }
180                 }
181             }
182             return cb;
183         } catch (DBException ex) {
184             throw new RepositoryConversionException("Unable to convert wizard definition: " + source.toString()
185                     + " to creation bean", ex);
186         } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
187             throw new RepositoryConversionException("Unable to locate class specified in wizard definition: "
188                     + ex.getMessage(), ex);
189         }
190     }
192     /***
193      * Converts a text y/n field to boolean.
194      *
195      * @param cb        CompletionBean the parent completion bean.
196      * @param partsBean CompletionPartsBean the parts bean we're populating.
197      * @param details   CompletionDetails the details data object.
198      * @param fieldName String the field name we're converting.
199      * @return boolean true or false.
200      * @throws DBException                   upon error.
201      * @throws RepositoryConversionException if the data was not y/n
202      */
203     private boolean convertFieldToBoolean(final CreationBean cb,
204                                           final CreationBeans beans,
205                                           final CreationPartsBean partsBean,
206                                           final CreationDetails details, final String fieldName) throws DBException,
207             RepositoryConversionException {
208         String freeText = details.getField(fieldName);
209         if (freeText.equalsIgnoreCase("Y")) {
210             return true;
211         } else if (freeText.equalsIgnoreCase("N")) {
212             return false;
213         } else {
214             throw new RepositoryConversionException("Invalid freetext value of: " + freeText
215                     + " it should be 'y' or 'n' (case insensitive) " + getLocationForErrorMessage(cb, beans, partsBean));
216         }
218     }
220     /***
221      * Creates detailed error messages for throwing conversion errors.
222      *
223      * @param cb        CompletionBean the completion bean we're populating.
224      * @param partsBean CompletionPartsBean the current part we're dealing with.
225      * @return String the error message including detailed location information.
226      * @throws DBException upon error querying the part.
227      */
228     private String getLocationForErrorMessage(final CreationBean cb,
229                                               final CreationBeans beans,
230                                               final CreationPartsBean partsBean) throws DBException {
231         StringBuffer returnValue = new StringBuffer("[ For Part Id: ");
232         returnValue.append(partsBean.getPart().getId());
233         returnValue.append("in completion Wizard: ");
234         returnValue.append(beans.getWizardTitle());
235         returnValue.append("(");
236         returnValue.append(beans.getWizardId());
237         returnValue.append(") ]");
239         return returnValue.toString();
240     }
242     /***
243      * Converts a Completion Bean to a Wiz Definition bean.
244      *
245      * @param source CompletionBean the completion bean.
246      * @return WizDefinition constructed wizard definition.
247      * @throws RepositoryConversionException upon generic conversion error.
248      */
249     public com.sri.emo.dbobj.WizDefinition convertToDBObject(final CreationBeans sourceBeans) throws
250             RepositoryConversionException {
252         boolean adding = (sourceBeans.getWizardId() == null);
254         try {
255             WizDefinition wizdef = new WizDefinition();
257             if (!adding) {
258                 wizdef.setId(sourceBeans.getWizardId().toString());
259                 wizdef.retrieve();
260             }
262             //Populate the wizard definition
263             wizdef.setField(WizDefinition.FLD_ADDITIONAL_INFO, CreationDefinition.class.getName());
264             wizdef.setField(WizDefinition.FLD_SUMMARY, sourceBeans.getSummary());
265             wizdef.setField(WizDefinition.FLD_WIZARD, sourceBeans.getWizardClass().getName());
266             wizdef.setField(WizDefinition.FLD_NAME, sourceBeans.getWizardTitle());
268             if (adding) {
269                 wizdef.set(WizDefinition.FLD_EDITOR_CONTROLLER, CreationEditor.class.getName());
270                 wizdef.set(WizDefinition.FLD_FACTORY, EmoCreationWizardFactory.class.getName());
271                 wizdef.set(WizDefinition.FLD_CONTROLLER, CreationWizardAction.class.getName());
272             }
274             //Populate the completion definition.
275             CreationDefinition completionDefinition = (CreationDefinition) wizdef.getAdditionalInfo();
277             if (sourceBeans.getCreationBean(0).getTargetId() == null) {
278                 throw new RepositoryConversionException(sourceBeans.toString() + " must have a target id set");
279             }
281             StringBuffer targetNodes = new StringBuffer();
282             Iterator iter = sourceBeans.iterator();
283             while (iter.hasNext()) {
284                 CreationBean item = (CreationBean);
285                 targetNodes.append(item.getPartId());
286                 targetNodes.append(",");
287                 targetNodes.append(item.getTargetId());
288                 if(iter.hasNext()){
289                     targetNodes.append(",");
290                 }
291             }
292 //            completionDefinition.setField(CreationDefinition.FLD_TARGET_NODE, source.getTargetId().intValue());
293             completionDefinition.setField(CreationDefinition.FLD_TARGET_NODE, targetNodes.toString());
295             int order = 0;
296             iter = sourceBeans.iterator();
297             while (iter.hasNext()) {
298                 CreationBean source = (CreationBean);
299                 if(source.getCompletionParts() == null){
300                     continue;
301                 }
302                 for (Iterator i = source.getCompletionParts().iterator();
303                                   i.hasNext(); ) {
305                     CreationPartsBean onePart = (CreationPartsBean);
306                     CreationDetails details = new CreationDetails();
307                     details.clear();
308                     details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_PART_ID,
309                                 onePart.getPart().getId());
311                     if (!adding) {
312                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_WIZARD_ID, wizdef.getId());
313                         if (!details.find()) {
314                             throw new IncompleteDetailsException(
315                                     "Unable to locate completion details of with wizard id of: "
316                                     + wizdef.getId() + " and part id of: " +
317                                     onePart.getPart().getId(), details);
318                         }
319                     }
321                     //Choose a sensible default if fieldcompletion has not been set.
322                     //this can be easily caused by data corruption or refactoring
323                     //issues.
324                     if (onePart.getFieldCompletion() == null) {
325                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_COMPLETION,
326                                     FieldCompletion.NOT_INCLUDED.toString());
327                     } else {
328                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_COMPLETION,
329                                     onePart.getFieldCompletion().toString());
331                     }
333                     if (onePart.getDirective() != null) {
334                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_DIRECTIVE,
335                                     onePart.getDirective().toString());
336                     }
338                     if (onePart.isFreeTextAllowed()) {
339                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_FREETEXT, "Y");
340                     } else {
341                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_FREETEXT, "N");
342                     }
344                     //added by richhttp://localhost:8082/emo/wizards/
345                     if (onePart.getCreateText() != null) {
346                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_CREATE_TXT,
347                                     onePart.getCreateText().toString());
348                     }
349                     if (onePart.getBrowseText() != null) {
350                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_BROWSE_TXT,
351                                     onePart.getBrowseText().toString());
352                     }
353                     if (onePart.getSearchText() != null) {
354                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_SEARCH_TXT,
355                                     onePart.getSearchText().toString());
356                     }
357                     //added by rich
358                     if (onePart.isCreate()) {
359                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_CREATE, "Y");
360                     } else {
361                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_CREATE, "N");
362                     }
363                     if (onePart.isBrowse()) {
364                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_BROWSE, "Y");
365                     } else {
366                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_BROWSE, "N");
367                     }
368                     if (onePart.isSearch()) {
369                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_SEARCH, "Y");
370                     } else {
371                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_SEARCH, "N");
372                     }
373                     if (onePart.isRequired()) {
374                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_REQUIRED, "Y");
375                     } else {
376                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_REQUIRED, "N");
377                     }
379                     details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_HELPTEXT,
380                                 onePart.getHelpText());
381                     if (onePart.getMaxEntries() == null) {
382                         details.setField(CreationDetails.FLD_MAX_ENTRIES,
383                                          (String)null);
384                     } else {
385                         details.setField(CreationDetails.FLD_MAX_ENTRIES,
386                                          onePart.getMaxEntries().intValue());
387                     }
389                     if (onePart.getMinEntries() != null) {
390                         details.setField(CreationDetails.FLD_MIN_ENTRIES,
391                                          onePart.getMinEntries().intValue());
392                     } else {
393                         details.setField(CreationDetails.FLD_MIN_ENTRIES,
394                                          (String)null);
395                     }
397                     details.setField(CreationDetails.FLD_PART_ORDER, order);
399                     if (onePart.isSingleEntry()) {
400                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_SINGLE_ENTRY, "Y");
401                     } else {
402                         details.set(CreationDetails.FLD_SINGLE_ENTRY, "N");
403                     }
405                     completionDefinition.addCompletionDetail(details);
406                     order++;
407                 }
408             }
410             return wizdef;
411         } catch (DBException ex) {
412             throw new RepositoryConversionException("Error converting to a database object from: " + sourceBeans.toString(),
413                     ex);
414         }
416     }
417 }